API Learning

Learn everything about APIs.
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding API Status Codes
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding API Status Codes
An API status code is a three-digit number sent from the server in response to a request made to an API. These codes are a standard part of the HTTP protocol and are used to indicate whether the request was successful, encountered an error, or requires further action.
What is API Monitoring? A Complete Guide
What is API Monitoring? A Complete Guide
API monitoring involves the ongoing evaluation and management of APIs. It helps organizations ensure their APIs are functional, secure, and performant.
Walmart API | How to Use Walmart API?
Walmart API | How to Use Walmart API?
The Walmart API is a powerful tool that enables developers to interact with one of the largest retail giants in the world. The API provides access to a variety of functionalities, including product searches, inventory management, and order processing.
API Observability: Pillars, Benefits & Use Cases
API Observability: Pillars, Benefits & Use Cases
API observability is the practice of monitoring and understanding the internal state of your APIs. Observability involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources, such as logs, metrics, and traces, to comprehensively view your API's behavior.
What is PKCE? Understanding the Proof Key for Code Exchange
What is PKCE? Understanding the Proof Key for Code Exchange
What is PKCE? This acronym stands for Proof Key for Code Exchange. It’s a security protocol primarily used in OAuth 2.0 authentication flows.
Test Scenario vs Test Case: the Key Differences
Test Scenario vs Test Case: the Key Differences
When it comes to software testing, the terms test scenario and test case are often used interchangeably. This post will explore the key differences between a test scenario and a test case.
API Payload: Definition, Importance, Types and Best Practices
API Payload: Definition, Importance, Types and Best Practices
APIs are vital for modern web development, enabling communication between software applications. This article delves into API payloads, their importance, types, and best practices for handling them.
React Fetch vs Axios: Comparing HTTP Request Libraries in React
React Fetch vs Axios: Comparing HTTP Request Libraries in React
Fetch is a native JS interface for HTTP requests supported by modern browsers. Axios is a more full-featured third-party library requiring installation. Axios provides richer features like automatic JSON parsing, error handling, interceptors.
Why Programmers Hate Writing API Documentation and How to Solve It?
Why Programmers Hate Writing API Documentation and How to Solve It?
API documentation is crucial in software development but often faces reluctance from programmers due to various challenges. Apidog, an all-in-one API development tool, integrates essential functionalities for API documentation to solve this problem,.
Curl -o Command in Linux
Curl -o Command in Linux
Curl is a linchpin for transferring data between local and remote systems. This post will provide a concise exploration of the "curl -o" command in Linux.
Test Cases for API Testing with Example
Test Cases for API Testing with Example
As APIs grow in usage and complexity, properly testing them is crucial for delivering high-quality applications. This article will explore API testing and provide examples of effective API test cases.
Socket. IO vs. WebSocket: Keys Differences
Socket. IO vs. WebSocket: Keys Differences
Two popular technologies that facilitate real-time communication are Socket.IO and WebSocket. In this article, we'll dive deep into Socket.IO and WebSocket, exploring their key differences, use cases, and advantages.
Postman Tutorial: How to Use Postman Online for API Testing
Postman Tutorial: How to Use Postman Online for API Testing
This post will explore the convenience of the Postman Online Version and learn how to test API using it step by step.
An Ultimate Guide to HTTP POST Request Method
An Ultimate Guide to HTTP POST Request Method
In a POST request, data is sent within the request body, allowing for the transmission of information such as form submissions, file uploads, or API interactions.
API Performance Testing: A Complete Guide
API Performance Testing: A Complete Guide
This post will explore the concept of API performance testing, different types of API performance testing, and effective tools to perform it.
What is Swagger | Swagger Tutorial for Beginners
What is Swagger | Swagger Tutorial for Beginners
Swagger is an open-source API design and documentation tool that helps developers design, build, document, and test RESTful APIs faster and more easily.
HTTP DELETE Request with Body
HTTP DELETE Request with Body
The HTTP specification explicitly states that the DELETE method does not expect a request body. While other HTTP methods like POST and PUT often include a request body to send data to the server, the DELETE method is intended solely for resource deletion.
How to Get Streaming Requests with Axios (2 Best Ways)
How to Get Streaming Requests with Axios (2 Best Ways)
Axios is a popular HTTP client library for making requests in JavaScript. It provides two effective methods to implement streaming requests and continuously gets server responses. Check it now.
How to Use Curl -v Command, A Complete Guide
How to Use Curl -v Command, A Complete Guide
curl is a powerful command-line tool for HTTP requests, supporting various protocols. The -v option activates verbose mode, revealing detailed communication logs between the client and server.
What is cURL Command and How Does it Work?
What is cURL Command and How Does it Work?
What is cURL in API? "Curl" stands for "Client for URLs" and is a command-line tool and library for transferring data with URLs. It is widely used for making HTTP requests to interact with web APIs.
WebSocket Tutorial: Test WebSocket Connection Using Curl
WebSocket Tutorial: Test WebSocket Connection Using Curl
In this section, we will explore how to use curl, a command-line tool for making HTTP requests, to establish a WebSocket connection, and communicate with a WebSocket server.
What is Form-Data Content-Type
What is Form-Data Content-Type
Form-data is one of the formats for data sent from a web form. Specifically, it encodes values entered into a form as name-value pairs and sends them with the Content-Type header set to multipart/form-data.
What Are API Cookies? How to Send it?
What Are API Cookies? How to Send it?
If you've ever wondered what API cookies are and how to send and manage them effectively, you're in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of API cookies, exploring their definition, and purpose.
How to Make DELETE Requests with Axios
How to Make DELETE Requests with Axios
Axios is a popular HTTP request library that can send asynchronous requests in both browser and Node.js environments. This article will focus on how to use Axios for DELETE requests and explore different ways of passing parameters.
How to Send Axios PUT Request
How to Send Axios PUT Request
Axios can handle various HTTP methods, including GET, POST, and PUT. In this text, we will focus on the PUT method and introduce how to make PUT requests with Axios.
HTTP Request Parameters in REST API
HTTP Request Parameters in REST API
Request parameters allow you to pass data to an API endpoint when making a request. They are an important part of designing and using REST APIs.
How to Install and Run cURL Command on Windows/Mac
How to Install and Run cURL Command on Windows/Mac
Running cURL commands on Windows and Mac is common for network requests and data transfer. This powerful tool supports various protocols. For Windows, install cURL and use it in Command Prompt or PowerShell. On Mac, use the pre-installed cURL in Terminal for seamless operations.
How to Use Multithreading in FastAPI?
How to Use Multithreading in FastAPI?
This article will explore the usage of multi-threading in the FastAPI framework, covering common use cases, problem-solving approaches, and practical examples.
Curl -x Command with Example
Curl -x Command with Example
The term "curl X" typically refers to using the command-line tool "curl" with the "-X" option to specify the HTTP request method. The "curl" command is a widely used tool for making HTTP requests from the command line.
API Test Case Management Ensures Software Reliability
API Test Case Management Ensures Software Reliability
API test case management involves the creation, organization, execution, and analysis of test cases specifically designed to validate the functionality, performance, and security of APIs.
Curl -i Command
Curl -i Command
The -i option in the Curl command is a gateway to detailed information about the HTTP response headers. By using this option, users can gain a deeper understanding of the server's response and extract crucial metadata from the HTTP headers.
What is the Difference between anyof and oneof
What is the Difference between anyof and oneof
In Z Schema, specifically in the context of JSON schema validation, "anyOf" and "oneOf" are keywords used to define conditional validation logic.
curl -u Command
curl -u Command
The curl command, a versatile tool for making HTTP requests, offers the -u option to simplify the process of including user credentials in your requests. In this article, we'll explore the curl -u command, its syntax, and how it enhances the efficiency of handling authentication.
Curl Command: How to Use Curl-D Option
Curl Command: How to Use Curl-D Option
The '-d' option in the Curl command is used to send data as part of an HTTP POST request. This option allows users to include specific data in the body of the request, enabling the transmission of information to a web server.
SOAP vs REST: What is the Key Differences
SOAP vs REST: What is the Key Differences
SOAP and Rest API have their pros and cons, and knowing the differences between them can help developers and architects determine which architecture to use when building their web-based APIs.
SOAP Tutorial: What Is SOAP Basics
SOAP Tutorial: What Is SOAP Basics
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is an XML-based protocol used for message exchange over the web. This guide is suitable for beginners.
Swagger Editor Tutorial for Beginners
Swagger Editor Tutorial for Beginners
The Swagger Editor is a specialized integrated development environment (IDE) crafted for the creation and management of APIs. It operates primarily with Swagger/OpenAPI specifications, providing developers with a dedicated space for designing, refining, and documenting APIs.
Top 12 cURL Commands with Examples
Top 12 cURL Commands with Examples
cURL offers powerful features for HTTP/HTTPS requests. Ideal for automation, these commands facilitate user authentication, proxy support, and more. This guide will help you learn how to use various options with curl commands.
WebSocket Protocol (An Ultimate Guide)
WebSocket Protocol (An Ultimate Guide)
WebSocket is a protocol used to create real-time, bi-directional communication channels in web applications. In this article, we will give an all-around overview of the WebSocket protocol definition, the WebSocket usage situation, and the full process of WebSocket connection.
CRUD vs. REST: What’s the Difference?
CRUD vs. REST: What’s the Difference?
CRUD and REST, often confused, represent key concepts in the API domain. While REST is a popular design style for web APIs, CRUD simply refers to fundamental database operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. This article explores the overlap between CRUD and REST.
API Assertions: Ensuring Integration and Performance
API Assertions: Ensuring Integration and Performance
Developers define statements or conditions called API assertions to verify an API's functionality. These assertions are checkpoints throughout testing to ensure the API fulfills requirements and operates as intended.
What is X www form URL-encoded Requests
What is X www form URL-encoded Requests
Unlocking the intricacies of data transmission, we delve into the realm of "X www form URL-encoded Requests." In this article, we unravel the significance and application of this encoding method, shedding light on its role in secure and efficient data exchange over the web.
What is Bearer Token and How it Works?
What is Bearer Token and How it Works?
What is Bearer Token? A complete explanation of its details! There are many API authentication methods over HTTP. Bearer Token is one of the most commonly used. In this article, Bearer Token will be fully explained to you.
XML vs JSON: A Comprehensive Comparison of Differences
XML vs JSON: A Comprehensive Comparison of Differences
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) are both data interchange formats, but they have some key differences. Here are the main distinctions between XML and JSON.
What is HTTP Content-Type
What is HTTP Content-Type
Content-Type is essential in HTTP communication to specify the type of data being sent. This article introduces fundamental information about Content-Type, detailing its types and how to specify them when sending requests.
How to Install Django REST Framework
How to Install Django REST Framework
Django Rest Framework (DRF) is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs in Django. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to install and configure DRF in your Django project.
API Calls: What is an API Call and How to Make it
API Calls: What is an API Call and How to Make it
What is an API Call? An API call refers to the process of a computer program or application making a request to an external service or server, typically through an API (Application Programming Interface).
What is an API Endpoint?
What is an API Endpoint?
An API endpoint can be considered a digital gateway or a specific location within an API where requests are received and responses are sent. It serves as the entry point for interaction with an API.
What is JSON? (A Beginner's Guide)
What is JSON? (A Beginner's Guide)
JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a crucial data interchange format in the world of web development. We'll explore JSON in-depth, covering its syntax, examples, advantages, and best practices.
What is History API
What is History API
The History API is a feature in HTML5 that allows web developers to manipulate the browser history using JavaScript. It provides methods and properties to interact with the browser's history.
JavaScript - Variables: A Deep Dive
JavaScript - Variables: A Deep Dive
In JavaScript, variables are fundamental building g blocks that allow developers to store and manipulate data. A variable is essentially a named container that holds a value, which can be of various types, such as numbers, strings, objects, and functions.
What is Server-Sent Events (SSE)
What is Server-Sent Events (SSE)
In the ever-evolving landscape of web technologies, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. One such technology that has been gaining attention in recent years is Server-Sent Events, often abbreviated as SSE.
API Design First vs. Code First
API Design First vs. Code First
Design First and Code First are two contrasting strategies that developers employ in the creation of APIs. We will show design first vs. code first, shedding light on their respective advantages, drawbacks, and considerations.
What is Code-First?
What is Code-First?
In the realm of software development, "Code First" is a groundbreaking approach that's changing the game. In this blog, we'll explore the essence of Code-First, its distinctions from traditional methods, and why it's the choice of modern developers.
Getting Started with RAML: A step-by-step tutorial for beginners
Getting Started with RAML: A step-by-step tutorial for beginners
RAML (RESTful API Modeling Language) is a YAML-based language that allows you to describe and document APIs in a clear and concise manner. Understanding the syntax and key components of RAML is essential for beginners to effectively use this powerful tool.
OAuth Grant Types Explained in Detailed
OAuth Grant Types Explained in Detailed
OAuth, the backbone of secure data sharing, operates via "grant types" – routes permitting third-party app access to user resources. This article provides crisp insights into these grant types using real-world examples.
gRPC vs. WebSocket: What is the Difference
gRPC vs. WebSocket: What is the Difference
In this post, we’ll look at the key differences between gRPC and WebSocket, and provide guidance on when it is better to use each technology. We’ll discuss why gRPC and WebSocket have advantages, and how to decide which is best for your application.
What is JSON-RPC(Remote Procedure Calls)?
What is JSON-RPC(Remote Procedure Calls)?
JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol that uses JSON for encoding and is used by many users. So what if you need to send a request or something to test the JSON-RPC API? In this article, we will show you how to send a JSON-RPC API request and validate the response.
Validation vs Verification: What is the Key Difference
Validation vs Verification: What is the Key Difference
Validation and verification are two important concepts in the field of software development. While they may sound similar, they have distinct meanings and purposes. This article aims to explore the concepts of both verification and validation in these fields.
An Ultimate Tutorial of Postman Environment Variables
An Ultimate Tutorial of Postman Environment Variables
When using Postman's environment, it is necessary to use something called an environment variable. So what are Postman's environment variables? How do you use it? This article will take a closer look at Postman's environment variables and fully explain how to use them.
What is FastAPI
What is FastAPI
FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints. It is designed to be easy to use and to provide high performance for building APIs.
Claude 2: A New Rival to OpenAI's GPT-4
Claude 2: A New Rival to OpenAI's GPT-4
Claude 2 has the potential to challenge ChatGPT's position. In the following sections, we will discuss what sets Claude 2 apart from its competitors.
What Is gRPC? Definition, Architecture, Pros & Cons
What Is gRPC? Definition, Architecture, Pros & Cons
gRPC is an open-source Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework developed by Google. In this article, we will explore its definition, architecture, pros, and cons, and compare it with other RPC frameworks.
Newman vs Postman: Know the Key Differences for API Testing
Newman vs Postman: Know the Key Differences for API Testing
Newman and Postman are many developers often confused about Postman and Newman. Literally, they are both API development tools, but they serve different purposes.
Best Practices for API Responses Error Messages
Best Practices for API Responses Error Messages
When working with APIs, it is crucial to understand how to interpret the responses and error messages that are returned. This allows developers to effectively troubleshoot and debug their code.
SOAP and REST API Differences: A Comparison Guide
SOAP and REST API Differences: A Comparison Guide
SOAP and Rest API have their pros and cons, and knowing the differences between them can help developers and architects determine which architecture to use when building their web-based APIs.
What is API Management
What is API Management
What is API Management? API Management is a vital process for managing and securing application programming interfaces.
What is API First? API First Approach
What is API First? API First Approach
In this article, we will discuss the principles of API First, the API First design considerations, the API First approach, and the API First vs. code-first approach.
The Open API is set as the Standard for ChatGPT Plugins
The Open API is set as the Standard for ChatGPT Plugins
ChatGPT now supports Plugin capabilities. When interacting with ChatGPT in natural language, users can choose to use plugins.
How to Integrate Swagger UI with gRPC
How to Integrate Swagger UI with gRPC
What is gRPC? Are you looking to integrate Swagger UI with gRPC? Here is a step-by-step guide to tell you.
Web Service Differences Between REST and RPC
Web Service Differences Between REST and RPC
Today, we will individually introduce the concepts and characteristics of REST and RPC, and then analyze the differences between REST and RPC from various perspectives.
Software Performance Testing: Overview & Top Tools
Software Performance Testing: Overview & Top Tools
Software performance testing is a crucial aspect of software development that ensures the optimal performance of software apps. Here are the best performance testing tools.
The Differences Between Postman and JMeter
The Differences Between Postman and JMeter
Postman and JMeter are both widely used tools in the field of software testing, but they serve different purposes and have distinct features.
Pytest Tutorial: API Automated Testing Framework
Pytest Tutorial: API Automated Testing Framework
What is Pytest and how does it work? Pytest is a Python testing framework for writing and executing various software tests.
What is SoapUI
What is SoapUI
SoapUI is an open-source tool for testing and debugging web services and APIs. It is specifically designed for testing web services and RESTful APIs that operate within a client/server architecture.
The Differences Between SOAP and HTTP
The Differences Between SOAP and HTTP
Explore the variances between SOAP and HTTP, including data exchange formats and request handling. Learn about their features, applications, and implications for web communication.
Robot Framework: API Automation Testing
Robot Framework: API Automation Testing
RobotFramework-based interface automation testing is an essential tool to improve testing efficiency and quality. In this article, we will define RobotFramework, explain how to install RobotFramework, etc.
Performance Testing Guide: All You Need to Know
Performance Testing Guide: All You Need to Know
Looking to learn more about performance testing? This comprehensive guide has got you covered! From the basics to advanced concepts, we cover everything you need to know to get started with performance testing.
Functional Testing vs Automated Testing
Functional Testing vs Automated Testing
This article is an introduction to functional testing and automation testing, with definitions, pros and cons, and other details.
A Guide to Front-End  Automated Testing
A Guide to Front-End Automated Testing
This article will take you through how to use automated testing to improve the reliability and efficiency of your front-end code.
What Is UI Automated Testing
What Is UI Automated Testing
This article will delve into the principles and methods of UI automation testing to help you understand how to use UI automation testing to improve the efficiency and quality of software testing.
Exploring the OpenAI ChatGPT Plugin's Application Scenarios
Exploring the OpenAI ChatGPT Plugin's Application Scenarios
The ChatGPT plugin is an AI-powered tool that can help you efficiently handle customer service, marketing, and other business tasks. This article will introduce several creative use cases to bring more value to your business.
Getting Started with GraphQL: A Beginner's Guide
Getting Started with GraphQL: A Beginner's Guide
This article introduces the basic concepts and advantages of GraphQL to help readers understand and master the basic use of GraphQL.
GraphQL vs RESTful API: How to Choose
GraphQL vs RESTful API: How to Choose
This article compares the two API architectures, GraphQL and REST, and provides practical advice on how to choose and use these architectures.
Best Test Automation Frameworks List
Best Test Automation Frameworks List
This article will provide a comprehensive introduction to automation testing frameworks, including basic concepts and benefits so that you can quickly master the automation testing framework knowledge.
Mock.js Syntax Specification
Mock.js Syntax Specification
Introduction to the syntax specification of Mock.js, which is divided into two parts: the definition specification of data templates and the definition specification of data placeholders. This will help you better use Mock.js to simulate data and improve development efficiency.
What Is RESTful API
What Is RESTful API
A REST API is an application programming interface (API or Web API) that follows the REST architecture specifications and supports interaction with RESTful web services. REST stands for Representational State Transfer, initially proposed by computer scientist Roy Fielding.
API Mocking Common Use Cases
API Mocking Common Use Cases
Mock API refers to a tool that simulates the behavior of an API. It can simulate the response results of an API during the development phase so that front-end developers can debug and develop without an actual API response.
What Is Mock and Specific Scenarios for Using Mock
What Is Mock and Specific Scenarios for Using Mock
Mock is a testing technique used in software development to mock up a fake implementation of a feature for testing and debugging while the actual code is still unimplemented.
What Is the Difference Between an API & API Documentation
What Is the Difference Between an API & API Documentation
APIs and API documentation are both relevant to software development, but they serve different purposes. Understanding the difference between the two can help developers use them better and write quality code more easily.
Who should Write the API Documentation
Who should Write the API Documentation
Writing interface documentation is a crucial step in the API development process, and it has a significant impact on subsequent tasks such as development, testing, and documentation writing.