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CRUD vs. REST: What’s the Difference?

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CRUD vs. REST: What’s the Difference?

CRUD and REST, often confused, represent key concepts in the API domain. While REST is a popular design style for web APIs, CRUD simply refers to fundamental database operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. This article explores the overlap between CRUD and REST.

CRUD and REST, often confused, represent key concepts in the API domain. While REST is a popular design style for web APIs, CRUD simply refers to fundamental database operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. This article explores the overlap between CRUD and REST.

Regarding REST, Apidog fully adheres to the principles of REST. RESTful APIs facilitate communication between different software systems over the internet. Simultaneously, Apidog is also an API-first, all-in-one API tool.


NO. But what is CRUD? CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) is a set of basic operations commonly used in the context of database management and web development. It represents a set of fundamental actions that can be performed on data. CRUD operations are not an API but rather a concept or a set of functionalities that an API or a system may implement.

In the realm of web development and APIs, CRUD is often associated with describing the basic operations that can be performed on resources. Here's a brief overview of each CRUD operation:

  • Create (C): In CRUD terminology, "Create" refers to the operation of adding new data or records to a database or system.
  • Read (R): "Read" involves retrieving or fetching existing data from a database or system. This operation is about querying and accessing stored information.
  • Update (U): "Update" is the process of modifying or editing existing data in a database or system.
  • Delete (D): "Delete" involves the removal or deletion of data or records from a database or system.

While CRUD is not an API itself, many APIs, especially those dealing with data manipulation, are designed to support CRUD operations. APIs that allow you to create, read, update, and delete data from a system are often described as CRUD APIs.

What is REST API?

REST stands for Representational State Transfer protocol, an architectural style for designing networked applications. A RESTful API (Application Programming Interface) is an implementation of a web service following the principles of REST. RESTful APIs enable communication between different software systems over the internet.

REST APIs use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for operations on resources, and they typically communicate using JSON or XML for data interchange. REST is stateless, meaning each request from a client contains all the information needed to understand and process the request. Some of the key features of REST API are mentioned below:

  • Resource-based: In REST, everything revolves around resources. Resources are entities or services that you can identify and manipulate using standard HTTP methods. These resources are usually represented by URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers).
  • Stateless: Every request you make from your client to the server should contain all the necessary information for the server to understand and process. The server, in turn, does not store any information about your client's state between requests. This helps keep things simple and scalable.
  • Supports CRUD operations: RESTful APIs commonly map CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) to standard HTTP methods:
  • Uniform Interface: RESTful APIs offer a consistent and uniform interface. This involves adhering to standard conventions for resource identification, request and response formats, and common HTTP methods.
  • Representation: Resources like XML, JSON, or HTML can take on different representations. You can specify your desired representation in your requests, and the server will respond accordingly.

What is the Difference between REST and CRUD?

The key differences between REST and CRUD lie in their scope and abstraction:

Design Paradigm vs. Operations:

  • REST: An architectural style guiding the design of networked applications, emphasizing principles such as statelessness, resource-based communication, and a uniform interface.
  • CRUD: Represents specific data manipulation operations—Create, Read, Update, and Delete—applied to database management or API functionalities.

Scope of Application:

  • REST: Provides a high-level design philosophy for creating scalable and interoperable web services, influencing the overall architecture of distributed systems.
  • CRUD: Focuses on the basic operations for managing data within a system or API, applicable to specific functionalities related to data manipulation.

Level of Abstraction:

  • REST: Offers a more abstract and conceptual approach, guiding the overarching design principles of web services.
  • CRUD: Involves a more concrete and specific set of actions related to Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on data.

Communication Principles:

  • REST: Emphasizes statelessness, resource-based communication using standard HTTP methods, and allows different representations of resources (e.g., JSON or XML).
  • CRUD: Primarily focuses on the fundamental operations involved in data manipulation without specifying communication protocols or principles.

Implementation Context:

  • REST: Can be implemented in various contexts beyond CRUD operations, supporting a wide range of functionalities within web services.
  • CRUD: Specifically addresses operations related to data management and, while often implemented within RESTful APIs, represents a subset of functionalities.