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Home / Effective Strategies / 19 Best Postman Alternatives in 2024 (Open Source Included)

19 Best Postman Alternatives in 2024 (Open Source Included)

In this article, we'll explore Postman alternatives, their features, advantages, and disadvantages. You'll have a better understanding of the top options and choose the best tool for your API development needs.

Postman has long been the go-to tool for API development, offering API design, testing, and documentation. This has made it a ubiquitous presence in the software industry for nearly a decade.

However, Postman's dominance faced a shakeup in 2021 when the company implemented significant changes to its pricing plan, eliminating unlimited user licenses in favor of a monthly fee per user. These alterations have prompted many developers to seek out free, open source and more cost-effective Postman alternatives.


Fortunately, the API tooling landscape has expanded considerably, now teeming with feature-rich, often free or open-source API testing tools. In this article, we'll provide you with a comprehensive overview of their features, advantages, and disadvantages.

Before the article, here's a comparison table summarizing the best Postman alternative for API testing :

Tool Description Pros Cons Overall Rating
Apidog All-in-One API tool for design, documentation, debugging, mock, and test Automated testing, documentation, mocking data, integrates with other tools Paid subscription required for advanced team features 5/5
NativeRest Fast and lightweight REST API client for creating, debugging, and testing REST API Starts fast, uses less memory and CPU Leightweight, does not have complete features presented in Postman 4/5
Swagger UI API design, documentation, and testing Interactive documentation, API testing Limited functionality, limited customization 4/5
Insomnia REST Client API client for design and testing Cross-platform, user-friendly UI, code snippets, environment variables, collaboration Performance issues with large APIs, paid subscription for advanced features 4/5
Paw API testing and development for Mac Code generation, dynamic values, automatic validation, advanced features Only for Mac, costly, limited Swagger/RAML support 4/5
Apigee API management platform Scalable, multi-cloud support, developer-friendly Expensive, complex, support issues 3/5
SoapUI API testing for REST and SOAP User-friendly UI, multiple protocols, integration with IDEs Resource-intensive, overwhelming UI, stability issues 4/5
Runscope Cloud-based API testing and monitoring User-friendly, testing and monitoring options, advanced features Complex setup, steep learning curve, pricing model 4/5
Boomi Cloud-based integration platform Cloud-based, wide range of connectors, low-code, strong security Expensive, limited customization, Internet dependency 3/5
Restlet Studio Web-based API design and testing Comprehensive features, collaboration tools, cloud-based Limited free version, expensive pricing, steep learning curve 4/5
Thunder Client GUI-based REST API testing in VS Code User-friendly, lightweight, collections and environments Limited advanced features, limited extensibility, VS Code dependency 4/5
Talend API Tester Browser extension for HTTP requests Data-driven testing, automation, environment management Limited community support, resource-intensive 3/5
Testfully API testing with automation Smooth Postman transition, free plan, collaboration features Lacks SOAP, gRPC, WebSocket support (but on roadmap) 4/5
Bruno Open-source API client Local storage, Bru markup language, Git collaboration Offline-only operation, no cloud-sync 4/5
Yaak Command-line API client Lightweight, fast, cross-platform, scripting/automation Limited GUI, steep learning curve for beginners 4/5
HTTPie Command-line HTTP client User-friendly syntax, lightweight, fast, scripting/automation Limited GUI, fewer features than GUI alternatives 4/5
ReadyAPI Comprehensive API testing and monitoring Powerful GUI, extensive testing capabilities, CI/CD integration Expensive for individuals, steep learning curve for advanced features 5/5
Hoppscotch Open-source API development ecosystem Free, constantly evolving, team collaboration Limited testing and monitoring, fewer integrations 4/5
Postcode Open-source API client Free, minimal learning curve, cross-platform Limited testing and debugging, fewer advanced features 4/5

1. Apidog

Web site: Apidog | Last reviewed on: 2024-04-26

Compared to Postman, Apidog is the best alternative API tool. It is an All-in-One API tool for API design, documentation, debugging, mock, and test.  With Apidog, you can design and debug APIs faster and more efficiently, while generating documentation, mock data, and tests automatically.

Apidog Interface

In addition, Apidog is the best alternative to Postman which functions as a Chrome extension for API testing and documentation. It offers a platform for developers to manage their APIs efficiently. Similar to Postman, Apidog allows users to make API requests, inspect responses, and organize requests into collections.


The Key Features of Apidog:

Apidog is a versatile toolkit that covers the entire API creation process. It's like a Swiss Army knife for APIs, helping with design, testing, and more. Here's what Apidog offers:

  • Easy to use: Apidog with clear navigation and visual UI is easy for beginners to get started with due to its low entry barrier.
  • Design and Debugging: Apidog lets you design and debug APIs visually, with support for JSON Schema.
  • Automated Testing: It can generate tests, validate responses, and help with continuous integration. It can automate tasks and keep your API definitions in sync.
  • Documentation: Apidog can generate beautiful documentation for your APIs.
  • Mocking Data: It can create mock data, making testing easier. What Apidog Offers for GraphQL Testing: Apidog works well for testing GraphQL APIs too. It has features like:
  • Integration with other tools: Apidog integrates with a range of other tools and platforms, including Jenkins and GitHub, which provides flexibility and choice for developers.


  • Cost:  Apidog offers a free version with no time limit, you can use all the features of the professional version for free. However, its more advanced team management features are only available with a paid subscription.

2. NativeRest

Web site: NativeRest | Last reviewed on: 2024-07-22

NativeRest is a fast and lightweight REST API client for creating, debugging, and testing REST API. NativeRest is a 100% native desktop application for testing your API that does not use Electron. NativeRest starts fast and uses less memory and CPU. NativeRest, unlike other popular tools, can be used without an account and internet connection.

nativerest demo

Below are the key features of NativeRest and some advantages.

Pros of NativeRest:

  • High-performance and memory-efficient: NativeRest is a 100% native application, that is compiled for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It starts fast and uses less memory and CPU.
  • Working in offline mode: NativeRest can be used without an internet connection. You decide to use only local workspaces or additionally create cloud workspaces.
  • Preconfigured proxy server: Use a high-performance preconfigured proxy server from NativeRest. You can also configure NativeRest to use a custom proxy configuration when sending requests.
  • Import and export data: You can import data from other popular clients. You can migrate without loss of earlier created collections, environments, and variables. It also supports data export.
  • Multilingual User Interface: NativeRest is a multilingual HTTP client that supports multiple languages. Currently, it supports 10 languages.
  • Full-featured portable version: NativeRest is available in a portable version as well. The portable version is distributed as a single executable file and does not require administrator privileges.

Cons of NativeRest

  • NativeRest is a lightweight REST API client, so it does not have all the features presented in Postman.

3. Swagger

Web site: Swagger | Last reviewed on: 2023-12-26

Swagger UI is one of the open-source Postman alternatives for API design, documentation, and testing. The Swagger Petstore is a sample API provided by Swagger/OpenAPI to demonstrate their capabilities. It is a RESTful API that handles pet data, enabling users to perform CRUD operations on pets through standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Swagger UI

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using Swagger UI below, as well as you can check it for detail.

What is Swagger API? A Complete Guide for Beginners
Swagger simplifies the process of creating and maintaining API documentation through a user-friendly interface and various features.

Pros of Swagger UI:

  • Interactive documentation: Swagger UI generates interactive documentation for APIs, which can be easily shared with stakeholders to provide a clear understanding of the API's capabilities and uses cases.
  • API testing: Swagger UI allows developers to test their APIs directly from the documentation page, which can help identify any issues or errors in the API.

Cons of Swagger UI:

  • Limited functionality: Swagger UI is primarily a documentation tool, and its testing capabilities may be limited compared to dedicated API testing tools.
  • Limited customization: The tool has limited customization options, which may be a disadvantage for developers who require more control over the look and feel of their API documentation.

4. Insomnia REST Client

Web site: Insomnia REST Client | Last reviewed on: 2023-12-26

Insomnia is a popular alternative to Postman. It's an open-source API client that allows you to design and test your APIs. Insomnia Rest Client provides a sleek and intuitive interface that makes it easy to organize your API requests and responses. It also offers a range of features, including code generation, OAuth authentication, and automatic cookie management.


If you don't know the difference between Insomnia and Postman, here is a good guide.

Postman vs Insomnia: Which API Testing Tool is Right for You
In this post, we will compare the features and functionality of Postman and Insomnia, as well as their pros and cons, to help you choose the right API testing tool for your needs.

Pros of Insomnia:

  • Insomnia is a cross-platform tool, which means it can be used on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.
  • The user interface of Insomnia is user-friendly and easy to navigate, which makes it ideal for both technical and non-technical users.
  • Insomnia offers code snippets for API requests in multiple programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.
  • The tool also supports environment variables, which enables users to manage complex testing scenarios easily.
  • Insomnia supports collaboration features, allowing team members to work together on API development projects.
  • It can be automated using scripts, making it easy to integrate API testing into continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) workflows.

Cons of Insomnia:

  • While Insomnia is generally fast and responsive, it may encounter performance issues when working with large or complex APIs.
  • Although it is a free and open-source tool, some of the advanced features may require a paid subscription.
  • The tool may not have all of the features that some users may require for API development and testing.

5. Paw

Web site: Paw  | Last reviewed on: 2023-12-26

Paw is a powerful API testing and development alternative to Postman for Mac. It provides a range of features, including code generation, automatic validation, and dynamic values. One of its standout features is the ability to generate client code in multiple languages.


Pros of Paw:

  • Code generation: Paw offers a code generation feature that generates client code in multiple languages, making it easier to integrate APIs with different programming languages.
  • Dynamic values: Paw provides a dynamic value feature that allows developers to create custom values that can be used in requests and responses.
  • Automatic validation: Paw automatically validates requests and responses, ensuring that APIs are functioning correctly.
  • Advanced features: Paw offers advanced features such as OAuth authentication, support for scripting languages, and automatic cookie management.

Cons of Paw:

  • Only available for Mac: Paw is only available for Mac users, which limits its accessibility for developers using other operating systems.
  • Cost: Paw offers a free trial, but the full version can be costly for individual developers or small teams.
  • Limited support for Swagger and RAML: Paw has limited support for Swagger and RAML, which may not be ideal for developers who heavily rely on these API design standards.

6. Apigee

Web site: Apigee | Last reviewed on: 2023-12-26

Apigee is an API management platform that offers a range of tools and features to help organizations design, develop, secure, and manage APIs.


Here are some advantages and disadvantages of using Apigee:

Pros of Apigee:

  • Scalability: Apigee can handle large volumes of API traffic, making it suitable for enterprises and organizations with high traffic and complex API requirements.
  • Multi-cloud support: Apigee can be deployed in multiple cloud environments, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, which provides flexibility and choice for organizations.
  • Developer-friendly: Apigee offers a range of developer tools and resources, including a developer portal, documentation, and API testing tools, to help developers build and test APIs.

Cons of Apigee:

  • Cost: Apigee can be expensive for small organizations or those with limited API usage.
  • Complexity: The platform can be complex, and its steep learning curve can make it difficult for less experienced developers to use it effectively.
  • Support: Some users have reported issues with Apigee's customer support, specifically regarding response time and quality.

7. SoapUI

Web site: SoapUI  

SoapUI is a free open-source Postman alternative that allows you to test both REST and SOAP APIs. It provides a range of features, including testing, mocking, and security testing. SoapUI also offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to design and test your APIs.


Pros of SoapUI:

  • SoapUI is a popular API testing alternative to postman that supports both REST and SOAP API.
  • SoapUI offers a user-friendly interface for creating and executing test cases, making it easy for both technical and non-technical users to use.
  • The tool supports multiple protocols and data formats, making it easy to test APIs across different platforms and technologies.
  • SoapUI offers integration with popular development tools such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA, allowing developers to seamlessly incorporate API testing into their development workflows.

Cons of SoapUI:

  • SoapUI can be resource-intensive, and its performance may suffer when testing large or complex APIs.
  • The user interface can be overwhelming for new users, and it may take some time to learn how to use all of the features effectively.
  • Some users have reported issues with the tool's stability and occasional crashes, particularly when working with large datasets or complex test cases.

8. Runscope

Web site: Runscope | Last reviewed on: 2023-12-26

Runscope is another Postman alternative with cloud-based API testing and monitoring. It allows you to test and monitor your APIs from multiple locations around the world. Runscope provides a range of features, including automatic test generation, webhook testing, and API debugging. It also offers a range of integrations, including Slack, PagerDuty, and HipChat.


Here are some advantages and disadvantages of Runscope:

Pros of Runscope:

  • Runscope is easy to use and offers a user-friendly interface.
  • The tool provides a variety of testing and monitoring options, including automation, real-time monitoring, and integration with other popular tools.
  • Runscope offers advanced features, such as scriptable tests and request chaining, that allow for more complex testing scenarios.
  • The tool can be deployed either in the cloud or on-premise, depending on the organization's needs.

Cons of Runscope:

  • Some users have reported that Runscope can be complex to set up and configure, which may be a barrier for some developers.
  • The tool may not be as intuitive as other API testing tools, which could lead to a steeper learning curve.
  • The pricing model for Runscope may not be ideal for all organizations, particularly for those with smaller budgets.

9. Boomi

Web site: Boomi | Last reviewed on: 2023-10-16

Boomi is a cloud-based integration platform that offers solutions for integrating data and applications. It allows users to create integrations without the need for extensive coding, using a low-code platform.


Pros of Boomi:

  • Cloud-based: Being cloud-based, Boomi offers scalability and flexibility, as well as easy access to data from anywhere.
  • Wide range of connectors: Boomi has a large library of connectors, allowing it to integrate with a wide variety of applications and systems.
  • Low-code platform: Boomi's low-code platform allows for rapid development and deployment of integrations, reducing the need for extensive coding.
  • Strong security features: Boomi offers robust security features, including encryption, access control, and compliance with various regulations.

Cons of Boomi:

  • Cost: Boomi can be expensive, especially for small businesses or individuals. The pricing structure is based on usage, which can add up quickly for organizations with high integration needs.
  • Limited customization: Boomi's low-code platform may not allow for as much customization as some organizations require, especially if they have specific integration needs.
  • Reliance on Internet connectivity: Being cloud-based, Boomi is dependent on Internet connectivity. Any disruptions or downtime can impact the availability of data and integrations.

10. Restlet Studio

Last reviewed on: 2023-10-12

Restlet Studio is a web-based API design and testing tool. It provides a range of features, including API design, testing, and documentation. Restlet Studio also offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to organize your API requests and responses. It also offers a range of integrations, including GitHub, Swagger, and RAML.

Restlet Studio

Here are some of the key features and benefits of Restlet Studio:

Pros of Restlet Studio:

  • Comprehensive feature set: Restlet Studio offers a range of features, including support for various API types and methods, code generation, and documentation tools, which can help streamline the API development process.
  • Collaboration tools: Restlet Studio supports collaboration and teamwork by enabling team members to work on API development and testing projects together.
  • Cloud-based and Lightweight: Being a cloud-based tool, Restlet Studio offers the advantage of easy accessibility from any location and device with an internet connection.

Cons of Restlet Studio:

  • Limited functionality: Restlet Studio's free version has certain limitations, such as fewer API calls per day and limited storage space.
  • Pricing: The pricing of Restlet Studio can be a bit expensive for smaller teams and organizations.
  • Steep learning curve: While the interface is user-friendly, the tool can be complex, which can lead to a steeper learning curve for less experienced developers.

11.  Thunder Client

Website: https://www.thunderclient.com/ | Last reviewed on: 2023-12-26

Thunder Client extension, a user-friendly and lightweight GUI-based REST API testing tool, seamlessly integrates into Visual Studio Code. It has witnessed a surge in popularity, distinguishing itself from alternatives to Postman.

Pros of Thunder Client

  • User-Friendly Interface: Thunder Client boasts a simple and intuitive GUI, making it accessible for users of all levels.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrated as an extension in Visual Studio Code, Thunder Client seamlessly aligns with the developer workflow.
  • Lightweight Design: With a minimalist approach, Thunder Client ensures a smooth and quick performance without unnecessary bloat.
  • Collections and Environment Support: Efficiently organize and manage APIs using Collections, and utilize Environment Variables for flexible testing scenarios.

Cons of Thunder Client

  • Limited Advanced Features: While Thunder Client is user-friendly, it may lack some advanced features compared to more comprehensive testing tools.
  • Limited Extensibility: Thunder Client's extensibility may be limited for users who require highly customizable and extensible testing environments.
  • Dependency on Visual Studio Code: As an extension for Visual Studio Code, Thunder Client's usage may be restricted to users who prefer or are limited to this specific IDE.

12.  Talend API Tester

Website: https://help.talend.com/home | Last reviewed on: 2023-12-26

Talend API Tester - Free Edition is a user-friendly Chrome and Firefox browser extension empowering developers and testers to send HTTP requests and analyze responses directly in their web browsers.

Pros of  Talend API Tester

  • Data-Driven Testing: Allows for data-driven testing, enabling users to test APIs with different input scenarios, improving test coverage.
  • Automated Testing Capabilities: Supports automation of API tests, streamlining the testing process and ensuring consistency in test execution.
  • Environment and Variable Management: Efficiently manages testing environments and variables, enhancing adaptability in different testing scenarios.

Cons of  Talend API Tester

  • Limited Community Support: Compared to more widely adopted testing tools, Talend API Tester may have a smaller community, potentially resulting in fewer online resources and community support.
  • Resource Intensive: Depending on the scale of testing, Talend API Tester may be resource-intensive, requiring adequate system specifications for optimal performance.

13.  Testfully

Website: https://testfully.io/ | Last reviewed on: 2023-12-26

Testfully, a Postman alternative, is an API testing tool with automated testing capabilities. It offers both cloud and offline storage options and supports team collaboration through access controls and private vaults.

Pros of  Testfully

  • Smooth Postman transition with importer tool
  • Free forever plan for individuals and small teams
  • Simple, transparent pricing model
  • Public roadmap based on customer input
  • Team collaboration features

Cons of  Testfully

  • Currently lacks SOAP, gRPC, WebSocket support but these are on roadmap

14.  Bruno

Website: https://www.usebruno.com/ | Last reviewed on: 2023-12-26

Bruno is a cutting-edge, open-source API client designed to transform the landscape dominated by tools like Postman and Insomnia. Bruno offers speed, Git-friendliness, and a unique approach to revolutionize your API testing experience.

Pros of  Bruno

  • Local Collection Storage: Bruno stores your API collections directly in a folder on your filesystem, promoting simplicity and transparency in data management.
  • Bru Markup Language: Utilizing the plain text markup language, Bru, Bruno efficiently captures and saves information about API requests, ensuring clarity and ease of use.
  • Git Collaboration: Collaborate seamlessly over API collections using Git or any version control system of your choice. Bruno empowers teams to work together efficiently.

Cons of  Bruno

  • Offline-Only Operation: Bruno operates strictly offline, prioritizing data privacy. Unlike other tools, there are no plans for cloud-sync in Bruno, emphasizing the importance of keeping your data on your device.


Yaak is an open-source API client that allows users to test and debug their APIs directly from the command line. It supports various protocols such as HTTP, WebSocket, and Server-Sent Events.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use command-line interface
  • Support for popular authentication methods (Basic Auth, Bearer Token, etc.)
  • Built-in JSON viewer and formatter
  • Ability to save and load request/environment configurations

Pros of Yaak:

  • Lightweight and fast
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Excellent for scripting and automation tasks

Cons of Yaak:

  • Limited GUI options
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners


HTTPie is a user-friendly command-line HTTP client that aims to make API interaction as simple and intuitive as possible. It provides a syntax that closely resembles the natural language used to describe HTTP requests.

Key Features:

  • Colorized and formatted output
  • Support for JSON, XML, and form data
  • Built-in JSON viewer and highlighting
  • Plugins and integrations for extended functionality

Pros of HTTPie:

  • Extremely user-friendly syntax
  • Lightweight and fast
  • Excellent for scripting and automation tasks

Cons of HTTPie:

  • Limited GUI options
  • Fewer features compared to some GUI-based alternatives


ReadyAPI is a comprehensive API testing and monitoring solution that offers a robust set of features for both functional and non-functional testing. It supports various protocols, including REST, SOAP, and WebSockets.

Key Features:

  • Powerful GUI-based interface
  • Extensive testing capabilities (load testing, security testing, etc.)
  • Support for data-driven and keyword-driven testing
  • Integration with various CI/CD tools and bug tracking systems

Pros of ReadyAPI:

  • Comprehensive testing and monitoring features
  • User-friendly interface for non-technical users
  • Excellent reporting and analytics capabilities

Cons of ReadyAPI:

  • Relatively expensive for individual users
  • Steeper learning curve for advanced features


Hoppscotch is a free, open-source API development ecosystem that includes a feature-rich API client, a powerful API request builder, and a minimalistic code editor.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive and modern user interface
  • Support for a wide range of authentication methods
  • Built-in API request builders for popular technologies (GraphQL, WebSockets, etc.)
  • Collaborative features for team-based development

Pros of Hoppscotch:

  • Free and open-source
  • Constantly evolving with new features
  • Excellent for team collaboration

Cons of Hoppscotch:

  • Limited testing and monitoring capabilities
  • Fewer integrations compared to commercial alternatives

19. Postcode

Postcode is an open-source API client designed to provide a simple and efficient way to test and explore APIs. It offers a clean and minimalistic interface while still packing essential features.

Key Features:

  • Lightweight and fast
  • Support for popular authentication methods
  • Built-in environment variables and history management
  • Ability to save and share API collections

Pros of Postcode:

  • Free and open-source
  • Minimal learning curve
  • Cross-platform compatibility

Cons of Postcode:

  • Limited testing and debugging capabilities
  • Fewer advanced features compared to commercial alternatives


Postman is a popular API development tool, but there are plenty of free and open-source alternatives on the market. Whether you're looking for a tool with a sleek interface, code generation capabilities, or cloud-based testing, there's an API testing and development tool out there for you. Apidog is the best ideal Postman alternative tool for you. Try it now.

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