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Best OpenAPI Validator Tools

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Best OpenAPI Validator Tools

OpenAPI validator helps ensure the validity and correctness of OpenAPI specifications, preventing errors, inconsistencies, and compliance issues. In this article, we will delve into the world of OpenAPI validators.

APIs serve as the backbone of modern software development, enabling seamless communication between different software components and systems. However, ensuring the reliability, consistency, and adherence to standards of these APIs is crucial for their successful implementation. This is where OpenAPI specifications come into play.

OpenAPI specifications, formerly known as Swagger specifications, provide a standardized way to describe RESTful APIs. They serve as comprehensive documentation that defines the structure, endpoints, parameters, responses, and other essential details of an API. However, creating and maintaining accurate OpenAPI specifications can be a challenging task, especially as APIs evolve and grow in complexity.

To address this challenge, developers rely on OpenAPI validators. These tools help ensure the validity and correctness of OpenAPI specifications, preventing errors, inconsistencies, and compliance issues. In this article, we will delve into the world of OpenAPI validators, exploring what they are, how they work, and the best options available for validating OpenAPI specifications.

Apidog provides response validation functionality, enabling users to ensure API responses align with documented specifications. It allows for customization to handle additional response fields, promoting consistency and accuracy in API development. 

What is an OpenAPI Spec Validator?

An OpenAPI spec validator is a tool designed to verify the accuracy, completeness, and adherence to standards of OpenAPI specifications. These validators analyze the structure, syntax, and semantics of OpenAPI documents, identifying errors, inconsistencies, and potential compliance issues. By validating OpenAPI specifications, developers can ensure that their APIs are well-documented, reliable, and interoperable.

OpenAPI Validator Tool for API Dev

Swagger Validator

Swagger Validator is a popular tool for validating OpenAPI specifications. It offers comprehensive validation capabilities, including syntax checking, schema validation, and compliance verification. Swagger Validator can be integrated into development workflows and CI/CD pipelines, ensuring consistent validation of OpenAPI documents.

Key Features:

  • Syntax checking to ensure compliance with the OAS format.
  • Schema validation to verify the correctness of data types, formats, and constraints.
  • Compliance verification with the specified version of the OpenAPI Specification.


  • Robust validation capabilities.
  • Seamless integration with development workflows.
  • Extensive documentation and community support.


  • Limited customization options for validation rules.


Spectral is a powerful open-source linter for OpenAPI specifications. It offers a rule-based linting system that enables developers to define custom validation rules and policies. Spectral analyzes OpenAPI documents against these rules, identifying issues such as unused parameters, missing descriptions, and deprecated features.

Key Features:

  • Rule-based linting system for customizable validation rules.
  • Support for detecting common API design issues and best practices violations.
  • Integration with various development tools and platforms.


  • Highly customizable validation rules.
  • Comprehensive coverage of API design guidelines and best practices.
  • Active development and community contributions.


  • Steeper learning curve compared to other validators.
  • Requires configuration for optimal use in specific development environments.

OpenAPI lint

OpenAPI lint is a lightweight and easy-to-use tool for linting OpenAPI specifications. It offers a simple command-line interface for validating OpenAPI documents against predefined rules and standards. OpenAPI lint helps developers identify potential issues and inconsistencies in their API specifications, ensuring compliance with best practices and standards.

Key Features:

  • Command-line interface for quick and easy validation of OpenAPI documents.
  • Predefined rules and standards for common API design issues and best practices.
  • Support for customizing validation rules and configurations.


  • Lightweight and easy to install.
  • Fast and efficient validation process.
  • Suitable for small to medium-sized projects.


  • Limited customization options compared to other validators.
  • Less comprehensive validation capabilities.


Apidog adds a unique feature to the validation process by including response validation. This tool ensures that not only the request specifications but also the responses adhere to the defined schema, enhancing the overall reliability of the API.

Apidog Response Validation Feature

Specifying Validation Scope:

  • Apidog allows users to define the scope of response validation, covering:
  • HTTP status codes returned by the API.
  • Data formats of the response: JSON, XML, HTML, Raw, Binary.
  • Configurable data structures for JSON and XML responses.

Ensuring Consistency:

  • When the actual response matches the documented one, Apidog confirms with "Response Data Structure Validation Passed!"
  • This automates validation, improving efficiency and accuracy.

Handling Inconsistencies:

  • Apidog identifies and reports specific discrepancies in responses.
  • Users can adjust documentation or notify backend colleagues for code updates.

Validating Additional Fields:

  • Users can choose to validate additional fields in responses.
  • Configuration options allow flexibility, especially as APIs evolve.

Customization for Stringent Validation:

  • Users can customize validation settings for stricter requirements.
  • Unexpected fields can trigger errors, ensuring adherence to defined structures.


Zally is an open-source API linter and validator that focuses on enforcing API design guidelines and best practices. It offers a rule engine that enables developers to define and enforce custom validation rules for their OpenAPI specifications. Zally analyzes OpenAPI documents against these rules, providing feedback and recommendations for improvement.

Key Features:

  • Rule engine for defining and enforcing custom validation rules.
  • Support for detecting API design issues, security vulnerabilities, and performance optimizations.
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines and development workflows.


  • Highly customizable validation rules.
  • Comprehensive coverage of API design guidelines and best practices.
  • Integration with popular development tools and platforms.


  • Requires configuration and setup for optimal use in specific development environments.
  • Steeper learning curve for defining and managing validation rules.


Speccy is a lightweight and fast validator for OpenAPI specifications. It offers support for multiple formats and languages, making it suitable for a wide range of development environments. Speccy analyzes OpenAPI documents for syntax errors, semantic issues, and compliance with the OAS format, providing actionable feedback and recommendations.

Key Features:

  • Support for multiple formats and languages, including JSON and YAML.
  • Fast and efficient validation process for large OpenAPI documents.
  • Integration with development tools and platforms.


  • Lightweight and fast validation engine.
  • Support for multiple formats and languages.
  • Easy integration with development workflows.


  • Limited customization options compared to other validators.
  • Less comprehensive validation capabilities.

How to Check if My OpenAPI is Valid?

Validating an OpenAPI specification involves several steps:

  1. Syntax Validation: Ensure that the OpenAPI document follows the correct syntax and format specified by the OpenAPI Specification (OAS).
  2. Semantic Validation: Verify that the content and structure of the OpenAPI document accurately represent the API endpoints, parameters, responses, and other components.
  3. Compliance Check: Ensure that the OpenAPI document complies with the version of the OpenAPI Specification being used (e.g., OAS 3.0).
  4. Error Resolution: Address any validation errors or warnings identified during the validation process.


OpenAPI validators play a crucial role in ensuring the validity, correctness, and adherence to standards of API specifications. By validating OpenAPI documents, developers can identify and address errors, inconsistencies, and compliance issues early in the development process, reducing the risk of API failures and compatibility issues. With a wide range of OpenAPI validators available, developers have access to tools and resources to streamline the validation process and create robust and reliable APIs.

In this article, we have explored some of the best OpenAPI validators, including Swagger Validator, Spectral, OpenAPI lint, Zally, and Speccy. Each of these validators offers unique features, capabilities, and benefits for validating OpenAPI specifications. By choosing the right validator for their specific needs and requirements, developers can ensure the quality, consistency, and compliance of their API specifications, ultimately delivering better APIs to their users and stakeholders.