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Curl -h Command

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Curl -h Command

One of the most essential options in the curl toolkit is the -h option, which enables users to manipulate and inspect HTTP headers.

The curl command-line tool is a powerful and versatile utility that allows users to make HTTP requests directly from the command line. One of the most essential options in the curl toolkit is the -h option, which enables users to manipulate and inspect HTTP headers.

In this article, we will explore the curl -h command, uncovering its potential and demonstrating how it can be a valuable asset for developers and administrators alike.

Apidog streamlines the process of handling HTTP headers, providing a user-friendly interface for both API documentation and testing.

What is Curl?

curl is a command-line tool for making HTTP requests and is widely used for testing APIs, downloading files, and interacting with web services. Its simplicity and flexibility make it a popular choice for developers who want a quick and effective way to interact with web servers.

The Anatomy of HTTP Headers:

Before delving into the curl -h command, it's essential to understand the significance of HTTP headers. HTTP headers are key-value pairs that convey additional information about an HTTP request or response. They play a crucial role in controlling the behavior of web servers and clients, facilitating communication between them.

Common HTTP headers include User-Agent, Content-Type, Accept, and Authorization. The curl -h command allows users to inspect, modify, and set these headers, providing a granular level of control over the HTTP requests.

Understanding curl -h:

The curl -h command is used to display information about the HTTP headers in a request or response. It is a versatile option that allows users to both view existing headers and add new ones. Let's break down its usage:

curl -h [URL]
  • Replace [URL] with the target URL you want to make an HTTP request to.

Displaying Existing Headers:

To view the existing headers of a URL, use the curl -h command without modifying the headers:

curl -h https://example.com

This command will output the headers of the HTTP response from the specified URL.

Adding Custom Headers:

To add custom headers to your HTTP request, use the -h option followed by the header information:

curl -h "Authorization: Bearer YourAccessToken" https://api.example.com/data

In this example, we're adding an Authorization header with a bearer token to authenticate the request.

Modifying Headers:

To modify existing headers, use the same -h option along with the desired changes:

bashCopy code
curl -h "User-Agent: NewUserAgent" https://example.com

This command modifies the User-Agent header to "NewUserAgent" for the HTTP request.


The curl -h command is a powerful tool for web developers, system administrators, and anyone working with HTTP requests. Its ability to inspect, add, and modify headers provides a flexible and efficient way to interact with web services.

By mastering this command, developers can enhance their control over HTTP communication, leading to more effective debugging, testing, and integration with web applications.