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Home / Effective Strategies / Top 14 API Automated Testing Tools for 2024

Top 14 API Automated Testing Tools for 2024

Looking for the best automation testing tools for 2024? Check out our top 14picks and streamline your testing process. Save time and improve the quality of your software with these cutting-edge automation testing tools.

API Automated testing tools are software applications designed to perform automated testing of software applications to ensure their functionality, reliability, and performance. These tools help streamline the testing process by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, allowing for faster and more efficient testing cycles.

In this article, we will provide an overview of each tool and discuss its key capabilities. The tools covered include both open source and commercial solutions for you.

Comparison Table of Best Automation Testing Tools

To help you take a quick look at the automated testing tools listed in this article and make decisions, I hope the table below is useful to you!

Tool Pros Cons
Selenium Open source, flexible, cross-browser testing Steep learning curve, requires programming
LambdaTest Cross-browser testing, collaboration features Limited customization, pricing can be expensive
TestComplete Comprehensive capabilities, ease of use Expensive, not open source
Apidog API testing, mock servers, integrations Limited community support, still new
Postman Intuitive interface, collaboration Not a full test automation tool
SoapUI Open source, broad protocol support Steep learning curve, minimal reporting
JMeter Powerful performance testing Not ideal for functional testing
Appium Cross-platform mobile testing Script maintenance challenges
Protractor Specialized for Angular apps Angular JS only
QMetry Comprehensive capabilities Expensive, steep learning curve
TestProject Free, open source Limited capabilities compared to paid tools
Katalon Studio Easy to learn, free Limited for complex testing
Worksoft Enterprise system testing Expensive, steep learning curve
Testsigma End-to-end testing automation Expensive, limited customization

This covers some key strengths and weaknesses of each tool. In the next section, we will introduce each tool in detail, Let's dive in.


Apidog is an integrated API collaboration platform that enables API documentation, debugging, mocking, and automation testing. As an automation testing tool, Apidog can be integrated with many other development tools to help you ensure the correctness of your API. You can easily create and run test cases and get real-time feedback on the API, supporting test cases, test suites, and conditional judgment test cases.


The Key Features of Apidog:

  • Ease of use: Apidog's user-friendly interface allows for easy creation, maintenance, and sharing of API documentation.
  • Multiple Testing Environments: Apidog allows users to test APIs in different environments, such as development, staging, and production, without affecting the live environment.
  • Test Data Management: Users can create and manage test data within Postman, simplifying the testing process and reducing the need for manual data entry.
  • Integration with CI/CD: Apidog integrates with popular continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools, such as Jenkins and Travis CI, allowing users to incorporate automated testing into their development workflows.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Apidog provides detailed reporting and analytics features, including test results and performance metrics. Users can monitor test progress and identify trends or areas for improvement.
  • Collaboration: Apidog allows team collaboration on testing projects, enabling users to share collections, test cases, and results with team members.


Selenium is an open source automated testing suite used for web application testing across different browsers and platforms. It provides capabilities for automating browser manipulation actions and assertions.


Key Features:

  • Cross-browser automation
  • Support for major browsers and platforms
  • Selenium WebDriver API
  • Selenium Grid for distributed testing
  • Integration with various test frameworks
  • Open source and free
  • Large user and contributor community

Pros and Cons of Selenium:

Pros Cons
Open source and free Steep learning curve
Supports multiple languages Requires knowledge of programming languages
Cross-browser testing capabilities No native mobile or desktop app support
Large and active user community Limited reporting features
Highly flexible and customizable No object recognition or AI capabilities
Integrates with CI/CD pipelines Browser automation only, not full testing framework
Broad platform, browser and language support
Extensive documentation available


LambdaTest is a cloud-based cross-browser testing platform that helps testers to perform web application testing on multiple browsers, operating systems, and devices.


Key Features of LambdaTest:

  • Cross-browser testing: LambdaTest enables users to test their web applications across more than 2,000 real browsers and operating systems, including the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  • Collaboration: LambdaTest offers features for collaborative testing, including the ability to share test sessions with team members and invite them to join in real-time testing sessions. Users can also generate and share bug reports with their teams.
  • Integrations: LambdaTest integrates with popular development and testing tools such as Jira, Asana, Trello, and Slack, allowing users to seamlessly incorporate the platform into their existing workflows.


TestComplete is a comprehensive automation testing tool used for testing web, desktop, mobile applications, games, and other application areas.


Key features of TestComplete:

  • Ease of learning and use, which can accelerate the testing process and improve the quality of the test.
  • Supports multiple programming languages and integrated development environments such as Python, JavaScript.
  • Supports multiple operating systems and browsers.
  • The automated testing process through automated test scripts.
  • Locating and handling errors and defects through various testing functions and tools.


Postman is an API testing tool used for API design, documentation, testing, and debugging. It provides an intuitive GUI for quickly testing APIs and offers features like collections, environments, documentation, mock servers, and monitoring.


Key Features:

  • GUI for intuitive API testing
  • API documentation
  • API mock servers
  • Test scripts
  • Command line integration
  • Team collaboration

Pros and Cons of Postman:

Pros Cons
User-friendly interface Not built specifically for automation
Rapid API testing and debugging Limited reporting capabilities
Supports API development workflows No object recognition or AI features
Open source and free version available Advanced features in paid plans
Integrates with CI/CD pipelines Limited mobile testing support
Large user community


SoapUI is an open-source API testing tool used for functional and load testing of SOAP and REST APIs. It provides capabilities for creating automated API tests, mock services, and performance testing.


Key Features:

  • API functional and load testing
  • Mock services
  • Test automation
  • Scripting and assertions
  • Data-driven testing
  • Open source and free

Pros and Cons of SoapUI:

Pros Cons
Free and open source Steep learning curve
Supports wide protocols - SOAP, REST Not user friendly interface
Good for large scale load testing Limited collaboration features
Active community support Minimal reporting capabilities
Scripting flexibility Not optimized for CI/CD
Broad platform and integration support Limited API design features

Apache JMeter

Apache JMeter is an open source load and performance testing tool used for analyzing and measuring web application performance. It supports testing REST, SOAP, WebSockets APIs as well as databases and other objects.


Key Features:

  • Load and performance testing
  • Web testing capabilities
  • Command line and GUI modes
  • Scripting, assertions, timers
  • Plugins and integrations
  • Distributed testing
  • Extensive reporting

Pros and Cons of Apache JMeter:

Pros Cons
Free and open source Steep learning curve
Powerful performance testing capabilities Not optimized for functional testing
Highly customizable and extensible Requires programming knowledge
Broad protocol and integration support No object recognition or AI capabilities
Reliable for high loads Complex setup for novice users
Detailed reporting Limited collaboration features
Large user community


Appium is an open source test automation framework for mobile apps across Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. It uses WebDriver protocol to interact with native and hybrid mobile apps.


Key Features:

  • Cross-platform mobile testing
  • Native, hybrid and web app support
  • Automation with Selenium WebDriver API
  • Multiple language bindings
  • Cloud integration
  • CI/CD integration

Pros and Cons of Appium:

Pros Cons
Open source and free Steep learning curve
Cross platform support Limited reporting features
Active user community Rapidly changing mobile landscape
Integration with CI/CD pipelines Script maintenance can be challenging
Supports real devices and emulators Limited object recognition capabilities
Supports multiple test frameworks Emulator performance can be slow
Broad language and framework support


Protractor is an end-to-end test framework specifically for Angular and AngularJS applications. It is built on top of WebDriverJS and provides additional features and utilities that make testing Angular apps easier.

Key Features:

  • Specialized locators and Selectors for Angular elements
  • Automatic synchronization with Angular
  • Support for testing multiple browsers
  • Integration with Jasmine and Mocha for writing tests
  • Ability to mock Angular injectables
  • Powerful reporting

Pros and Cons of Protractor:

Pros Cons
Made specifically for Angular apps Only works with Angular apps
Locators understand Angular constructs Significant learning curve
Handling of async calls and synchronization More complicated setup than other frameworks
Active open source community Limited reporting compared to other tools
Integrates well with CI/CD pipelines Not ideal for non-Angular JS apps
Supports multiple test frameworks
Broad device/browser support via Selenium

QMetry Automation Studio

QMetry Automation Studio is a comprehensive automation testing tool used for testing web, mobile applications, APIs, and other areas. Its main function is based on user experience testing, supporting multiple use case designs, and providing a range of feature-rich testing execution tools.

QMetry Automation Studio

Key Features of QMetry Automation Studio:

  • Test Automation: jQMetry Automation Studio provides a comprehensive solution for test automation, including support for web, mobile, and API testing. It enables users to create and execute test scripts across different environments and platforms.
  • Easy Script Creation: jQMetry Automation Studio allows users to easily create test scripts using its intuitive script creation interface. Users can create test cases with little to no programming knowledge, reducing the need for technical expertise.
  • Integration: jQMetry Automation Studio integrates with popular testing frameworks and tools, such as Selenium and Appium, allowing users to leverage existing test assets and avoid the need for additional training.

Pros and Cons of QMetry Automation Studio:

Pros Cons
Supports Web, API, and Mobile testing Steep learning curve
Integrates with JIRA, ALM tools Script maintenance can be challenging
Supports multiple languages and frameworks Not ideal for small businesses or teams
Object recognition and reusable components Expensive licensing model
Detailed reporting and analytics Limited community support
Supports complex data-driven testing On-premise installation can be complex
Broad device lab integration Limited customization capabilities
Reduces test maintenance efforts Lacks advanced AI capabilities
Reliable for large test suites


TestProject is a free, open-source, community-driven automation testing platform for web, mobile devices, APIs, desktop, and other automation testing domains.  TestProject is a cloud-based testing platform that does not require any software or hardware installation. You can create projects, test cases, and test plans, as well as perform automation testing by logging in to the TestProject website.


Key Features of TestProject:

  • Free, Open-Source, Community-Driven Platform: TestProject is an open-source automation testing platform that allows users to test web, mobile, APIs, desktop, and other automation testing domains.
  • Cloud-Based Platform: TestProject is a cloud-based testing platform, eliminating the need for software or hardware installation. Users can perform automation testing by logging in to the TestProject website.
  • Cross-Platform Testing Framework: TestProject's associated open-source cross-platform testing framework can be integrated with multiple programming languages and automation testing tools, and can run directly on any browser and device.

Pros and Cons of TestProject:

Pros Cons
Free open source tool Limited functionality compared to paid tools
Easy to get started Can be slow for large test suites
Cloud-based so no installation needed Potential security/privacy concerns with cloud platform
Integrates with CI/CD pipelines Limited analytics and reporting capabilities
Supports multiple languages and frameworks Steep learning curve for advanced features
Smart test recorder and editor Limited mobile testing capabilities
Large community support Reliability issues reported
Extensive SDKs for desktop, web, and mobile apps Limited object recognition capabilities
Plugin architecture to extend functionality Limited debugging capabilities

Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is a free automation testing tool based on Eclipse. It is mainly used for testing in multiple areas such as Web, API, and mobile testing. Katalon Studio is known for its ease of learning and use, as well as its ability to integrate with third-party tools and extend to multiple testing methods.

Katalon Studio

Key Features of Katalon Studio:

  • Test Automation: Katalon Studio provides a free automation testing tool based on Eclipse, which supports Web, API, and mobile testing. It offers easy-to-use and learn features, allowing users to record test scripts and conduct automation testing using a GUI.
  • Integration: Katalon Studio can integrate with third-party tools and extend to multiple testing methods, including data-driven and keyword-driven testing. It also supports multiple programming languages and operating systems.
  • Test Management: Katalon Studio includes test management features, enabling users to manage and execute test cases across multiple projects and environments.
  • Test Reporting: Katalon Studio provides test reporting features, allowing users to generate comprehensive test reports with detailed information on test results, coverage, and more.

Pros and Cons of Katalon Studio:

Pros Cons
Free and open source Limited capabilities for large test suites
Supports API, web, mobile, and desktop app testing Not ideal for complex enterprise testing
Easy to learn and implement Limited debugging capabilities
Large community support Relatively new tool still maturing
Integrates with CI/CD pipelines Limited analytics and reporting
Script recording and generation Smaller ecosystem than paid tools
Cross-browser testing capabilities Limited object recognition capabilities
Flexible execution options


Worksoft is a comprehensive automation testing tool primarily used for testing and quality management of enterprise systems. The advantages of Worksoft are that it can optimize testing and delivery of enterprise applications, reduce testing time and cost, and improve software quality and reliability.


Key Features of Worksoft:

  • Worksoft provides end-to-end test automation for multiple environments and platforms, such as Web, SAP, and Oracle. It allows users to simulate business processes by recording manual operations and importing data, and it can perform automation testing by simulating user behavior and executing test cases automatically.
  • Worksoft offers automation coverage, which ensures that all aspects of an application are tested thoroughly by automating a wide range of test cases.
  • Visual Test Case Design: Worksoft provides visual test case design tools that enable users to create and design test cases easily and efficiently.
  • Data-Driven Testing: Worksoft supports data-driven testing methods that allow users to create and run tests using multiple data sets, improving the efficiency of testing personnel.

Pros and Cons of Worksoft

Here is a comparison of the pros and cons of Worksoft:

Pros Cons
Automated functional testing across enterprise applications Steep learning curve
Supports testing complex processes and data scenarios Script maintenance can be challenging
Integrates with CI/CD and ALM tools Limited support for open source tools
Scalable and reliable for large test suites Not ideal for smaller businesses or projects
Broad application support including SAP, Salesforce, Oracle Expensive licensing model
Detailed analytics and reporting Script debugging can be difficult
Object recognition technology Limited capabilities for mobile app testing
Reduces test maintenance efforts


TestComplete is a comprehensive automation testing tool used for testing web, desktop, mobile applications, games, and other application areas.

Key Features of  Testsigma:

  • Automation Testing: TestComplete allows users to automate the testing process through automated test scripts, which can reduce the need for manual testing and improve testing efficiency.
  • Error and Defect Handling: TestComplete provides various testing functions and tools to locate and handle errors and defects, ensuring that the application is thoroughly tested and issues are addressed promptly.
  • Multi-Browser Support: TestComplete supports testing on multiple browsers, allowing users to ensure that their application functions as expected across different browsers.
  • Reporting: TestComplete provides detailed test reports, enabling users to track their testing progress and identify areas for improvement.

Pros and Cons of  Testsigma

Here is a table comparing the pros and cons of Testsigma:

Pros Cons
Automated end-to-end testing Expensive compared to open source tools
Supports multiple languages and frameworks Limited customization options
Easy to use with minimal coding Lacks advanced analytics and reporting
Integrates with CI/CD pipelines Not suitable for very complex testing needs
Good collaboration features Limited support for mobile app testing
Flexible pricing models


The API automated testing landscape offers diverse tools, each with unique strengths. When selecting a tool, consider your project needs, team expertise, and budget. Look for features that align with your workflow, such as ease of use, integration capabilities, and comprehensive reporting.

While some tools specialize in specific areas, others offer all-in-one solutions for API lifecycle management like Apidog. Evaluate multiple options to find the best fit for your team's requirements.


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