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How to Send Authorization Header with Axios

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How to Send Authorization Header with Axios

When working with Axios to make HTTP requests, adding an authorization header is a common requirement, especially when dealing with secure endpoints that require authentication. However, sending such headers in cross-origin requests may lead to complications.

When working with Axios to make HTTP requests, adding an authorization header is a common requirement, especially when dealing with secure endpoints that require authentication. However, sending such headers in cross-origin requests may lead to complications. In this article, we'll explore how to properly send an authorization header with Axios and address potential issues related to cross-origin requests.

what are Authorization Headers?

Authorization headers are HTTP request headers that are used to send credentials and authenticate requests for protected resources and data on servers.

Key Things about Authorization Headers:

Here are some key things to know about authorization headers:

  • They enable clients to securely send credentials or tokens to prove their identity and access rights. Common examples are API keys, JWT tokens, OAuth tokens.
  • They follow a standard format - the most common being "Bearer" followed by the credential data:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
  • Other authorization types include Basic, Digest, HOBA etc which transmit credentials in different ways.
  • When clients make requests to protected endpoints, the server checks the authorization header to determine if the client is authorized to access that resource or not.
  • If the header is missing or the credentials are invalid, the server will reject the request with a 401 Unauthorized error.
  • Using authorization headers prevents sending raw credentials in each request. The credentials are validated on the server separately through decryption or lookups in a database.

Managing Authorization Headers in Axios

In Axios, you can include Authorization information in the following ways:

  1. Add the headers field in the request configuration and pass Authorization as a header:
axios.get('/user', {headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`  }

2. Configure the default Authorization for an Axios instance using defaults.headers:

const axiosInstance = axios.create({baseURL: 'https://some-domain.com/api/',headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`

3. Directly append the token information to URL parameters:


Replace ${token} with your actual access token or credentials, and adjust the code based on the required authentication mechanism specified in the API documentation.

How to Send Authorization Header with Axios?

When working with Axios, you can send an authorization header by including it in the configuration object when making a request. Typically, this involves setting the Authorization header to a token or other credentials. Here's a simple example:

const axios = require('axios');

// Replace 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' with your actual access token or credentialsconst accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

// Example: Sending a GET request with an Authorization header
axios.get('https://api.example.com/data', {headers: {'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}` // Assuming it's a Bearer token
  .then(response => {// Handle the responseconsole.log(response.data);
  .catch(error => {// Handle errorsconsole.error('Error:', error.message);

In this example:

  • Replace 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' with the actual access token or credentials you need to include in the Authorization header.
  • The headers object is used to set the Authorization header with the provided token. The template here assumes a Bearer token, but you might need a different format depending on the authentication mechanism your API requires.

What is Apidog?

Apidog is a comprehensive API testing and documentation platform that powers API-first workflows. It provides an intuitive interface to simplify and accelerate core API tasks like development, testing, mocking, documentation and more.


Advanced authorization features include:

  • Environment variables for credentials
  • Dynamically generate tokens with hooks
  • Set authorization globally or per-request
  • Support for token renewal and retries

With powerful collaboration features, it connects teams to streamline end-to-end API delivery and consumption at scale. By optimizing workflows, Apidog unlocks rapid delivery of robust, scalable APIs.


  • Do not hardcode the token information into the code directly. Instead, retrieve it from local storage or state management.
  • There are several methods to carry the token, such as in headers or URL parameters. Choose based on requirements.
  • Request methods, headers, and URLs should use constants for management. This allows unified modification.