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What is Postman (A Tutorial for Beginners)

What is Postman? This article will provide a comprehensive introduction to Postman, so let's get started.

Postman is an API development and testing platform that offers a variety of features. It allows developers to easily create and share API requests and collections, automate testing, mock APIs, and monitor performance. Postman also provides collaboration and documentation tools, enabling teams to work together more efficiently and communicate API behavior effectively. This article will provide a comprehensive introduction to Postman, so let's get started.

Postman logo

What is Postman Used for?

Postman is a software application that allows developers to test, document, and share APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Developers widely use it to simplify the process of testing APIs by providing a user-friendly interface for making requests, viewing responses, and debugging issues.

For those seeking a Postman alternative with additional free features, like robust API mocking and auto-generated API documentation, Apidog is an excellent option, as it is designed as a powerful API development tool that connects everyone involved in the API development process. It offers an all-in-one workspace for API design, documentation, debugging, mocking, and testing.

Comparison Between Apidog VS Postman

API Designing

Design APIs visually

Design APIs visually

Define and reuse schemas

Generate API specification from the request

Recognize JSON/XML/SQL to schema
API Debugging
Pre/Post-request Scripts
Pre/Post-request Scripts

Response validation

Connect to databases
API Testing
Run collections:25/month
Run collections: Unlimited

Online test report

Add assertions visually
API Documentation
Custom domain
Custom domain

Custom documentation layout

Markdown pages

Automatic generation

Synchronization Update
API Mock
Fixed response mocking
Fixed response mocking

Smart mock engine
Cloud mock server

Customized mocking scripts

Mock server for load testing
Free for 3 users
Free for 4 users

There is no doubt that Apidog is a powerful collaboration tool. Although Postman is more complete in terms of navigation etc. Here is a detailed description of the features of both.

Apidog An integrated platform for API design, debugging, development, mock, and testing
REAL API Design-first Development Platform. Design. Debug. Test. Document. Mock. Build APIs Faster & Together.

The Main Features of Postman

1. API Designing

Postman provides a powerful visual editor to help you design APIs with ease and efficiency. With its intuitive user interface, you can create API endpoints and set their parameters, request, and response payloads, and authentication settings. The visual editor also allows you to document your API with clear and concise descriptions, making it easy for other developers to understand and use your API.

2. API Debugging

Postman offers pre and post-request scripts that allow you to customize your requests and automate certain tasks. Pre-request scripts can be used to set dynamic variables, headers, and parameters, while post-request scripts can be used to perform actions based on the response of the API. With these scripts, you can streamline your workflow and quickly identify and fix any issues with your API.

3. API Testing

Postman provides a comprehensive set of features to help you test your API and ensure that it meets the required standards. With automated testing, you can easily set up continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows, allowing you to test your API at every stage of development.

It also provides a range of testing tools, including unit tests, integration tests, and load tests, to ensure that your API performs as expected under various conditions. With these tools, you can ensure that your API is reliable, secure, and scalable.

Postman Plans and Pricing

Postman offers both free and paid plans. The free plan includes essential features such as up to 1000 monthly API requests, creating and managing collections, limited mock servers, monitoring, and workspaces. The paid plans offer enhanced capabilities, including higher API request limits, advanced collaboration tools, increased mock server and monitoring capacities, advanced security features, and more integration options. The paid plans range from $14 per user per month to $49 per user per month, depending on the features required.

Plans Free Basic Professional Enterprise
Price $0 $14 per user/month $29 per user/month $49 per user/month
Pros Start designing, developing, and testing APIs. Free for 3 users Collaborate with your team to design, develop, and test APIs faster. Centrally manage the entire API workflow. Securely manage, organize, and accelerate API-first development at scale.

Drawbacks of Postman

Postman is a popular tool used by developers for API testing and development, but like any tool, it also has its drawbacks. Here are some of the potential drawbacks of Postman:

  • Learning Curve: While Postman is relatively easy to use, it can take some time to learn how to use it effectively. This can be especially true for beginners new to API development and testing.
  • Limited Features in Free Version: Postman offers a free version, but it has some limitations. For example, the free version only allows for a limited number of API calls per month and doesn't include some advanced features like team collaboration and additional mocks.
  • Dependence on a Third-Party Tool: Postman is a third-party tool, so developers may become overly reliant on it and not develop a strong understanding of APIs and other development tools.

In conclusion, Postman is a powerful API development and testing software that offers a range of features to simplify the process of working with APIs. But it also has limitations. The cost of the paid version may be a concern for some developers or organizations. As for this, we highly recommend Apidog.

The Main Features of Apidog

1. API Designing

Apidog's robust visual editor streamlines the process of designing APIs. It supports schemas for requests and responses and recognizes JSON, XML, and SQL data structures in request and response definitions. You can define and reuse schemas compliant with the OpenAPI Specification and generate response examples with a single click.

2. API Debugging

Apidog enables you to send various types of HTTP requests during API design and automatically generates request parameters from dynamic values. Responses are verified against the API definition as requests are sent. By connecting to databases, you can debug data persistence and retrieval issues effectively.

3. API Testing

With Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), Apidog ensures your API is tested automatically and consistently throughout the development cycle. Assertions validate the API's responses, and visually adding these assertions simplifies the testing process. Online test reports provide visibility into the testing process, making it easier to identify and resolve issues.

4. API Documentation

Apidog automatically generates documentation and mock data without extra configuration, eliminating the need for scripts. Custom domains make API documentation more accessible and user-friendly. You can customize the layout of the documentation to enhance its visual appeal and navigation. Using Markdown to write API documentation simplifies the process and improves maintainability.

5. API Mock

API mocking simulates an API for testing or development purposes. Apidog's smart mock engine generates realistic responses based on the requests. The cloud mock server offers a reliable and scalable solution for mocking APIs.

6. Additional Features

  • IDEA Plugin: Apidog supports an IDEA plugin, providing an integrated development environment for creating, testing, and debugging APIs.
  • Collaboration: Apidog's collaboration features enable multiple developers to work on an API together seamlessly. Unlimited collaboration ensures teams can work without user or project constraints.

Many developers are familiar with testing APIs using Postman, but Apidog offers a more effective and affordable solution, with nearly all features available for free on the Free plan.


After thorough testing, Apidog has proven to be the best alternative for Postman. Below are the detailed steps for using Apidog:

How to Test API with Apidog Step-by-Step

Automated Testing | Apidog

Step 1. Sign up for a free Apidog Account

Go to the Apidog website and sign up for a free account.

Sign up page at apidog

Step 2. Create a New Project

Click on the "+New Project" on the right and give your project a name and description.

Project creating page at apidog

Step 3. Add Your API

Click on the "New Endpoint" to create a new API by entering the endpoint URL and specifying the details.

Create a new endpoint at Apidog
Create a new endpoint at Apidog
Click ”Save" to create an endpoint documentation
Click ”Save" to finish creating a new endpoint

Step 4. Create a New Test Scenario

In the Testing panel, click "+New Test Scenario", then provide a name and description for the test. Click "Continue" to proceed with designing the test scenario.

Create a new test scenario at Apidog
create a new test scenario 
Design test scenario at Apidog
design the newly created test scenario

Step 5. Run Your Test

When finishing designing the test scenario, click on "Run" to run your test. Apidog will send requests to your API and run your test script to check for errors.

Run API test scenario at Apidog

Step 6. View Your Test Results

After your test has finished, click on the "Results" tab to view your test results. You can see which tests passed and failed and view detailed logs of each test run.

Checking API test result at Apidog

That's it! Now that you have finished the API testing and got the test result, it is time to discover what's wrong and fix the issue immediately.

Pro tip: You can configure "Scheduled Tasks" to automatically run predefined automated test scenarios at specified times. This allows you to obtain task execution results and meet scheduled testing and regression requirements.

Scheduled API testing at Apidog


Apidog is the best alternative to Postman, offering developers a more comprehensive API testing experience. Its advanced features include creating custom test cases, generating reports, and performing load tests, giving developers more flexibility and power in their testing workflow. With its advanced features, Apidog offers developers a more comprehensive and powerful testing solution than Postman. So if you're looking for a tool that offers more flexibility, power, and collaboration capabilities, Apidog is worth considering as a replacement for Postman.

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