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Home / Tutorials / Common API and Endpoint Terms Every Developer Should Know

Common API and Endpoint Terms Every Developer Should Know

This blog covers essential API and endpoint terms like HTTP methods, payloads, status codes, authentication, authorization, and rate limiting. Understanding these is crucial for developers to create and maintain effective, functional APIs.

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the backbone of modern software development, enabling seamless communication between different applications. Understanding the technical terms related to APIs and endpoints is crucial for developers to design, develop, and maintain robust APIs. In this blog, we'll explore some of the most commonly used terms in the world of APIs and endpoints.

There are 12 common API-related terms developers should know about:

1. Endpoint

An endpoint is a specific URL where an API can be accessed by a client to perform operations like retrieving or sending data.

What is an API Endpoint?
An API endpoint can be considered a digital gateway or a specific location within an API where requests are received and responses are sent. It serves as the entry point for interaction with an API.

2. HTTP Methods

These are the types of requests that can be made to endpoints:

  • GET: Retrieve data from the server.
  • POST: Send data to the server.
  • PUT: Update existing data on the server.
  • DELETE: Remove data from the server.
What are HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
This article explores the significance of each HTTP method, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more, along with their appropriate use cases and best practices.

3. Request Payload/Body

The data sent by the client to the server in an API request, typically used in POST and PUT requests.

An Ultimate Guide on HTTP GET with Request Body
In HTTP, you might wonder why GET doesn’t use a request body, unlike other methods. This guide explains why and how to use GET requests.

4. Response Payload/Body

The data returned by the server to the client after an API request.

API Payload: Definition, Types and Best Practices
APIs are vital for modern web development, enabling communication between software applications. This article delves into API payloads, their importance, types, and best practices for handling them.

5. Status Code

A code returned by the server to indicate the outcome of the API request (e.g., 200 OK, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error).

Understanding API Response Types and Formats: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding response types and formats is crucial for developers to ensure efficient data exchange and error handling. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of API response types and formats, exploring their significance, characteristics, and best practices.

6. Headers

Key-value pairs sent with an API request or response, providing metadata about the request or response.

What Are HTTP Headers? (A Comprehensive Guide)
HTTP headers are the unsung heroes of the World Wide Web. They are essential components of the HTTP protocol. In simple terms, HTTP headers are metadata that accompany every HTTP request and response, providing crucial information about the data being sent or received.

7. Authentication

The process of verifying the identity of a user or client. Common methods include API keys, OAuth, and JWT (JSON Web Token).

Basic Authentication: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers
Learn about Basic Authentication, Bearer Token, OAuth, and JWT in Apidog’s comprehensive guide on API Authentication and Authorization.

8. Authorization

The process of determining if a user or client has permission to perform a certain action or access specific data.

Basic Authentication: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers
Learn about Basic Authentication, Bearer Token, OAuth, and JWT in Apidog’s comprehensive guide on API Authentication and Authorization.

9. Rate Limiting

Controlling the number of requests a client can make to an API in a given time period to prevent abuse.

Implementing Rate Limiting in APIs: Ensuring Fair Usage and Preventing Abuse
Rate limiting in APIs is like a traffic cop managing the flow of vehicles on a busy road. It’s a crucial tool that ensures fair access to resources and prevents misuse or overloading of systems.

10. Throttling

Similar to rate limiting, it involves regulating the rate at which requests are processed by the API.

Throttle vs. Rate Limit | Must-know Differences
Throttling and rate limiting are two approaches to ensure API users will have a smooth and pleasant experience. By preventing the overload of APIs, find out how throttling and rate limiting can be implemented in your own APIs today!

11. Latency

The time taken for an API request to be processed and for the response to be received.

What is API latency?
API latency, a critical measure of performance, can significantly impact user experience and system responsiveness. By understanding the components of API latency, developers can pinpoint and address performance bottlenecks more effectively.

12. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

A mechanism to allow or restrict resources on a web server to be requested from another domain.

What is the Postman CORS Test? - Everything You Must Know
Testing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is crucial for API development—however, the API tool Postman offers a simple method to check CORS configurations. Continue reading this article to ensure your API interacts smoothly across different domains!

13. API Gateway

A server that acts as an API front-end, receiving API requests, enforcing security and rate limits, and routing requests to the appropriate back-end services.

What is an API Gateway? | Definition and Explanation
An API gateway is an intermediary software component that manages traffic between client applications and backend services. It routes incoming API requests to the appropriate backend service and delivers the responses back to the client.

14. Webhooks

HTTP callbacks that allow one system to send real-time data to another when a specific event occurs.

Comprehensive Guide to Webhooks and Event-Driven Architecture in APIs
In this blog post, we’ll explore how webhooks can be used to implement event-driven architecture in APIs. Overall, the blog post would demonstrate how leveraging webhooks can enable a more dynamic, responsive, and scalable API architecture based on events.

1. Base URL

The root URL for all API endpoints, which typically includes the protocol (http/https) and domain.

Axios BaseURL: Default Configuration Tutorial
Embark on a journey through API intricacies with Axios BaseURL. Learn to wield its power globally or per instance. Seamlessly integrate with Apidog for precision in documentation, debugging, and automated testing. Unleash the potential of Axios and Apidog in your API development saga.

2. Path Parameter

A variable part of the endpoint URL, used to specify a resource (e.g., /users/{userId}).

Guide: What is API Path Parameter & How to Use It?
API path parameters are efficient tools that websites utilize for identifying specific resources located in vast and deep collections. Continue reading if you’re an API developer trying to understand how to craft and implement API path parameters!

3. Query Parameter

Key-value pairs added to the endpoint URL to filter or modify the request (e.g., ?sort=asc&limit=10).

How to Send Query Parameters in POST Request
Learn the simple and effective way to send query parameters in a POST request with our step-by-step guide. Master the art of sending data efficiently!

4. Resource

An object or entity that an API can manage, typically represented as a URL (e.g., /users, /posts).

5. CRUD Operations

The basic operations performed on resources:

  • Create: Add a new resource (usually via POST).
  • Read: Retrieve a resource (usually via GET).
  • Update: Modify an existing resource (usually via PUT or PATCH).
  • Delete: Remove a resource (usually via DELETE).
What is CRUD API
CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. It represents the fundamental operations that can be performed on data in a database or any persistent storage system.

6. Versioning

Managing changes to an API by creating different versions (e.g., /v1/users, /v2/users).

Navigating API Versioning: Strategies for Seamless Integration
API versioning is crucial and plays an important role in various factor of your API designs. Understanding how it works will help you make better decisions and better serve your users well.

7. Pagination

Dividing a large set of data into smaller chunks, often using query parameters like page and limit.

API Pagination: Best Practices and Strategies
Efficient data retrieval is key for API performance. Our comprehensive guide covers the essentials of API pagination, from fundamental concepts to advanced strategies.

8. Serialization

Converting an object into a format that can be easily transmitted, such as JSON or XML.

9. Deserialization

Converting serialized data back into an object.

What are Serialization and Deserialization?
Serialization and deserialization are critical processes that facilitate fundamental operations like data persistence and transfer.

10. Mock API

A simulated version of an API used for testing and development without the need for a live server.

Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Mock APIs with Apidog
Mock API is a technique that replaces the real API interface with simulated data. With Apidog, it only takes 3 steps to set up a Mock API.

11. Schema

A blueprint or structure of how data is organized, often defined using formats like JSON Schema for validation purposes.

JSON Schema Types: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers
Enhance data integrity and reliability with JSON Schema, a key standard for validating JSON data structures. Explore the importance of JSON Schema types.

12. Middleware

Software that intercepts and processes API requests and responses, often used for logging, authentication, or modifying requests.

Middleware: Connecting the Digital World
Middleware is a crucial software layer that bridges operating systems and applications. This article explores middleware’s key functions, its role in cloud computing, IoT, and microservices, and how Apidog’s tools can effectively test the Middleware API.

13. Error Handling

Managing and responding to errors in an API, often by returning specific status codes and error messages.

Best Practices for API Responses Error Messages
When working with APIs, it is crucial to understand how to interpret the responses and error messages that are returned. This allows developers to effectively troubleshoot and debug their code.

Develop and Test APIs with the Best Free Tool– Apidog

Developing and testing APIs is a critical aspect of modern software development, and having the right tools can make a significant difference. Apidog stands out as one of the best free tools for API development and testing. It provides a comprehensive suite of features that include API design, development, testing, and documentation all in one platform.


With Apidog, developers can create robust APIs efficiently, simulate server responses, and ensure seamless integration with other applications. Its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities make it an indispensable tool for developers looking to streamline their API workflows without incurring additional costs.

Use Apidog for developing and testing APIs


Understanding these terms is fundamental for any developer working with APIs. They not only facilitate better communication among team members but also ensure that developers can design, implement, and troubleshoot APIs more effectively. Whether you're dealing with RESTful APIs, GraphQL, or other types of APIs, these concepts will help you navigate the complexities of modern software development.

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