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Home / Viewpoint / HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)


This article explores the significance of each HTTP method, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more, along with their appropriate use cases and best practices.

In the world of web development, HTTP methods play a crucial role in defining how clients interact with web servers and perform different actions on resources. This article explores the significance of each HTTP method, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more, along with their appropriate use cases and best practices.

What's more, Apidog is an all-in-one API tool, that provides versatile HTTP methods for different usage scenarios.


What is HTTP?

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the foundation of communication on the World Wide Web. It is a protocol that defines how data is transmitted between a client and a server. HTTP methods, also known as HTTP verbs, are the actions that can be performed on a resource identified by a URL, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Here is a list of some essential HTTP methods in Apidog: GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS, CONNECT, and TRACE. The most commonly used HTTP methods are GET and POST.  

GET VS POST Request Methods

The GET method is used to retrieve data from a server. When a GET request is made, the server returns the requested data as a response. This method is commonly used when you want to retrieve information from a server, such as fetching a webpage or retrieving data from an API.

On the other hand, the POST method is used to send data to a server. When a POST request is made, the data is included in the body of the request. This method is commonly used when you want to submit data to a server, such as submitting a form or creating a new resource through an API.

GET Method: Retrieving Data from APIs

GET is an HTTP method used for retrieving data. It is known for its idempotent and safe characteristics and is commonly used to fetch resource information from the server. GET requests typically pass parameters in the form of a query string, and the response returns the result in the entity-body to the client.

Parameters for GET requests are usually passed in the URL, and they can be appended to the end of the URL in the form of a query string. For example, you can use a GET request to obtain information about a specific user: https://api.example.com/users?id=123. The server will return the corresponding user information based on the parameter's value.

GET Method

When using GET requests, consider the following points:

  • Parameters for GET requests are typically passed as a query string, separated by the "&" symbol, for example: https://api.example.com/users?id=123&name=John.
  • GET requests have limitations on the length of the URL and parameters; an excessively long URL may be rejected or truncated by the server.
  • GET request parameters can be cached, so they are not suitable for transmitting sensitive information.
  • GET request parameters can be recorded in the server's access logs, so they are not suitable for transmitting sensitive information.

POST Method: Sending Data to APIs

POST Method is a commonly used HTTP method for sending data to an API. Unlike the PUT and DELETE methods, POST is typically used to create new resources and does not require the client to provide a complete representation of the resource.

Compared to the PUT method, POST is generally used for creating new resources, while PUT is used for updating existing resources. PUT requires the client to provide a complete representation of the resource, while POST does not have this requirement. Additionally, PUT is usually idempotent, meaning that multiple identical PUT requests will produce the same result, while POST may not be idempotent.

Here is a guide on how to send a POST request for you.

How to Test API Endpoint (Complete Guide)
In this article, we’ll explore how to test an API endpoint. Let’s dive into the key steps to maintain the quality of your API endpoint.

DELETE Method: Deleting a Data from a Server

The DELETE method is an HTTP method used to remove or delete a resource from a server. It is commonly used to instruct the server to delete a specific resource identified by the provided URL or resource identifier. Unlike other HTTP methods like GET and POST, which retrieve or create resources, the DELETE method is specifically designed for resource deletion.

When a client sends a DELETE request to the server, it indicates that the client wants to remove the resource permanently. However, the server's response to a DELETE request may vary depending on the server's implementation. Some servers may return a successful response (e.g., status code 200) to confirm the deletion, while others may respond with a status code indicating that the resource was not found or cannot be deleted.


Other Request Methods: PUT, DELETE, PATCH

In addition to the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods, there are other HTTP methods such as the PATCH method. The PATCH method is used to partially update resources, that is, only part of the content of the resource is updated.

PUT Method

The PUT method is used to update or replace an existing resource on the server. It requires the client to send the complete representation of the resource to be updated.

This means that if a property is not included in the request, it will be removed from the resource on the server. PUT is idempotent, meaning that multiple identical requests will have the same effect as a single request.


PATCH Method

The PATCH method is used to partially update an existing resource on the server. Unlike the PUT method, which requires sending the complete representation of the resource, PATCH only requires sending the changes that need to be made. This can be useful when updating specific properties of a resource without affecting the rest of the resource's properties. PATCH is also idempotent.


The main difference between the PUT and PATCH methods is the level of granularity in updating resources. PUT requires sending the complete representation of the resource, while PATCH only requires sending the changes. If you want to update the entire resource, including any missing properties, you should use the PUT method. If you only want to update specific properties of a resource, you can use the PATCH method.

HEAD Method

The HEAD method is an HTTP method that is similar to the GET method but does not retrieve the actual content of the resource. Instead, it is used to request the headers of a resource, providing metadata about the resource, such as its content type, size, and modification date.


Apidog is highly recommended for its comprehensive support of versatile HTTP methods, making it an all-in-one solution for web developers. With user-friendly features and a focus on best practices, Apidog simplifies the management of HTTP methods, enhancing efficiency in API development. Explore Apidog to streamline your API testing and development workflow.


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