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Testing Branch

The testing scenarios within branches can better help with automated testing for APIs that are updated or newly added in the branch.

Orchestrating Testing Scenarios within Branches

After creating or importing testing scenarios, you can refer to Testing Process Scenario to orchestrate the testing steps within the testing scenario.

During the process of orchestrating testing steps, APIs not within the branch will not have the branch "icon". Testers can assume that these testing steps have not changed. For APIs that are newly added or modified within the current branch, the system will automatically identify the testing steps corresponding to these APIs, displaying them in blue with the branch icon, helping testers quickly locate them.

In the testing step details, if the step is affected by the iteration branch, the branch icon will be displayed. In this step, clicking Jump to API Documentation will navigate to the API documentation; if the step is not affected by this iteration branch, clicking "API Documentation" will navigate to the main branch API documentation.

If the step is affected by the branch, clicking the "Update" button will synchronize the content from the API documentation in the branch, helping testers quickly align this testing step with the request parameters defined in the API documentation affected by the iteration branch changes, and then write the specific request values.

Executing Testing Scenarios

The testing scenario will run based on the orchestrated content, selecting the API definitions from the new branch or the main branch. Based on the generated test report, testers can easily locate whether the abnormal API requests are from the new branch or the main branch, thereby guiding developers to accurately locate and schedule bug fixes, completing the testing for the new branch.