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What are the Differences Between HTTP HEAD and GET Methods?

Learn what the HTTP HEAD and GET methods are, how they differ, when to use them, how to test them, what are the best practices for using them, and how to learn more about them.

If you are a web developer, you probably know what HTTP methods are. They are the verbs that tell the server what action to perform on a resource. For example, when you type a URL in your browser, you are sending a GET request to the server, asking for the content of that page.

But did you know that there are other HTTP methods that can help you optimize your web performance, debug your code, and enhance your user experience? In this blog post, I will introduce you to two of them: HEAD and GET. I will explain what they are, how they differ, and when to use them. By the end of this post, you will be able to use HTTP HEAD and GET methods like a pro.


What is HTTP HEAD Method?

The HTTP HEAD method is similar to the GET method, except that it only requests the headers from the server, without the body. The headers contain useful information about the resource, such as its size, type, last-modified date, and so on.

You can think of the HEAD method as a way of peeking at the resource, without actually downloading it. This can save you bandwidth, time, and resources, especially if the resource is large or you only need to check some metadata.

What is HTTP GET Method?

The HTTP GET method is the most common and widely used HTTP method. It requests a representation of the resource from the server, which usually means the HTML content of a web page. The server responds with the headers and the body, which contain the data that you see in your browser.

The GET method is safe and idempotent, which means that it does not change the state of the server or the resource, and calling it multiple times will produce the same result. The GET method is also cacheable, which means that the browser can store the response and reuse it for future requests, improving the performance and efficiency.

How to Use HTTP HEAD Method?

The HTTP HEAD method can be useful for various purposes, such as:

  • Checking if a resource exists or has been updated
  • Testing the availability and performance of a server or an API
  • Validating the content type and size of a resource
  • Pre-fetching or pre-rendering a resource
  • Crawling or indexing a web page

To use the HTTP HEAD method, you can either use a tool like [Apidog], which is a web-based API testing tool that supports various HTTP methods, or you can use a command-line tool like [curl], which is a popular tool for transferring data with URLs.

What is HTTP HEAD Method?
Learn how to use the HTTP HEAD method to optimize web performance, improve security, and enhance user experience. Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about the HTTP HEAD method, including its use cases, benefits, and limitations.

How to Use HTTP GET Method?

The HTTP GET method is very easy to use, as it is the default method for most browsers and tools. You can use the HTTP GET method to request any resource that you want to see or download, such as a web page, an image, a file, or an API response. Here are some examples of how to use the HTTP GET method with apidog.

What are the Differences Between HTTP HEAD and GET Methods?

The HTTP HEAD and GET methods are both used to request a resource from the server, but they have some important differences that you should be aware of. Here are some of the main differences between them:

  • The HEAD method only requests the headers, while the GET method requests the headers and the body
  • The HEAD method does not return any content, while the GET method returns the content of the resource
  • The HEAD method is faster and more efficient, while the GET method is slower and more resource-intensive
  • The HEAD method is useful for checking or validating a resource, while the GET method is useful for viewing or downloading a resource

You can use the following table to compare the HTTP HEAD and GET methods:

HTTP MethodHeadersBodyContentSpeedEfficiencyPurpose

As you can see, the HTTP HEAD and GET methods have different characteristics and advantages, depending on your needs and goals. You should choose the appropriate method for your situation, and avoid using the GET method when you only need the headers, or using the HEAD method when you need the content.

When to Use HTTP HEAD and GET Methods?

Now that you know what the HTTP HEAD and GET methods are and how they differ, you might be wondering when to use them in your web development projects. Here are some scenarios where you can use the HTTP HEAD and GET methods effectively:

  • Use the HTTP HEAD method when you want to:
  • Check if a resource exists or has been updated, without downloading it
  • Test the availability and performance of a server or an API, without consuming bandwidth or resources
  • Validate the content type and size of a resource, before deciding to download it or not
  • Pre-fetch or pre-render a resource, to improve the user experience or the SEO
  • Crawl or index a web page, to get the metadata or the links
  • Use the HTTP GET method when you want to:
  • View or download a resource, such as a web page, an image, a file, or an API response
  • Display the content of a resource in your browser or your tool
  • Cache the response of a resource, to reuse it for future requests
  • Send data to the server, using query parameters or URL segments

As you can see, the HTTP HEAD and GET methods have different use cases and benefits, depending on your objectives and requirements. You should use the right method for the right task, and avoid using the wrong method for the wrong task.

How to Test API Endpoint (Complete Guide)
In this article, we’ll explore how to test an API endpoint. Let’s dive into the key steps to maintain the quality of your API endpoint.

How to Test HTTP HEAD and GET Methods Using Apidog?

Apidog is a web-based API testing tool, which allows you to send HTTP requests and see the responses in a user-friendly interface.


To send a HEAD or Get request with Apidog, follow these steps:

  1. Open Apidog: Launch Apidog and create a new request.

2. Select the HTTP Method: In our case we're choosing HEAD from the list of HTTP methods.


3. Enter the URL: Enter the endpoint URL for the head request, add any headers, and include the partial update data in the request body.


Execute the request and wait for the response from the server. Check the server’s response to verify the success of the request.

What are the Best Practices for Using HTTP HEAD and GET Methods?

The HTTP HEAD and GET methods are powerful and versatile tools for web development, but they also come with some rules and recommendations that you should follow to ensure the quality and security of your web applications. Here are some of the best practices for using the HTTP HEAD and GET methods:

  • Use the HEAD method before the GET method, if you only need the headers or want to validate the resource
  • Use the GET method only when you need the content or want to display the resource
  • Avoid using the GET method for sensitive or confidential data, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or personal information, as they can be exposed in the URL, the browser history, or the server logs
  • Use HTTPS instead of HTTP, to encrypt the communication between the client and the server, and prevent eavesdropping or tampering
  • Use caching mechanisms, such as ETag, Last-Modified, or Cache-Control, to optimize the performance and efficiency of your web applications, and reduce the load on the server
  • Use query parameters or URL segments, to pass data to the server using the GET method, and follow the naming and formatting conventions
  • Use descriptive and meaningful URLs, to improve the readability and usability of your web applications, and enhance the SEO
  • Use proper error handling and status codes, to inform the client about the outcome of the request, and handle any exceptions or failures gracefully

By following these best practices, you can use the HTTP HEAD and GET methods effectively and securely, and create web applications that are fast, reliable, and user-friendly.

How to Learn More About HTTP HEAD and GET Methods?

If you want to learn more about the HTTP HEAD and GET methods, or HTTP in general, you can use various resources and sources, such as:

  • Practicing with the Apidog tool, which allows you to send HTTP requests and see the responses, and learn by doing
  • Reading the MDN Web Docs, which provide comprehensive and up-to-date documentation and tutorials on web development, including HTTP and efines the syntax and semantics of the HTTP protocol, and describes the HTTP methods and their properties
  • Reading the W3Schools website, which offers simple and easy-to-follow lessons and examples on web development, including HTTP
  • Taking the HTTP: The Protocol Every Web Developer Must Know course, which covers the fundamentals and advanced topics of HTTP, using practical and interactive exercises

By using these resources and sources, you can learn more about the HTTP HEAD and GET methods, and HTTP in general, and improve your web development skills and knowledge.


In this blog post, I have explained what the HTTP HEAD and GET methods are, how they differ, when to use them, how to test them, what are the best practices for using them, and how to learn more about them. The HTTP HEAD and GET methods are essential tools for web development, as they allow you to request and receive resources from the server, and optimize your web performance, debug your code, and enhance your user experience.

By using Apidog you can test and debug your HTTP HEAD and GET methods in a user-friendly interface.


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