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Free API: Face Swap AI (Online Testing and Documentation)

Face swap APIs are becoming a popular, sought for web service due to how powerful it is. You can now create pictures and videos of people with replaced faces, and the results of these face swap APIs are indistinguishable from the truth.

Steven Ang Cheong Seng

Steven Ang Cheong Seng

Updated on November 29, 2024

Not everything you see online may be true these days. Today, one popular technological advancement seen as a double-edged sword is the Face Swap AI, commonly used along with its API.

Are you looking for an efficient API development platform to build or modify APIs? Look no further!

Apidog is a design-first-oriented API platform that promotes API development processes with simplistic and elegant UI. It supports a wide range of API file types, so if you want to try out a new API, consider Apidog today! 👇 👇 👇

As the name suggests, Face Swap AIs are AIs that specialize in editing pictures or videos. For example, you can swap your face on top of a celebrity's body, whether in a video or a picture.

Many face swap AIs now provide APIs to allow users to use their services.

What is a Face Swap API?

A face-swap API is a tool that allows software developers to integrate face-swapping technology into their applications.

For example, if you are building a camera application, you may utilize a face swap API so that your camera may possess the ability to swap faces, along with other camera functionalities.

How Does a Face Swap API Work?

There are a few steps required by a face swap API to do its job.

  1. Firstly, the face swap API receives an image or video as input, containing faces that the user wants to swap.
  2. The face swap API then utilizes the face swap AI, applying deep learning algorithms to analyze and detect facial features, along with understanding the face(s)'s position in the picture or video.
  3. Once the position of the face has been determined, the API replaces the picture's face with the targetted face and applies visual fixes for a more realistic effect.
  4. Once the replacement has been completed, the face swap API will return to you the modified image or video, with the faces swapped!

Why Consider Using Face Swap APIs?

Using a face swap API allows web service developers to create applications with various functions. Rather than having to install additional software or create one entirely from scratch, APIs can offer an easy solution.

  • Ease of integration: Face swap APIs offer a quicker and simpler way to implement face swapping compared to building the technology from scratch.
  • Customization: Some APIs offer options to customize the swap process, like choosing specific facial features or adjusting the level of realism.
  • Multiple use cases: You can use face swap APIs for various purposes, such as creating entertainment apps, social media filters, marketing campaigns, or even educational simulations.

Potential Ethical Issue With Face Swap API Use

With how believable some of these face swap API results can be, it becomes more difficult to differentiate what is real and fake on the internet.

There are already problems arising due to face-swapping applications. These fake videos may negatively influence another party's status, mental health, or job prospects.

It is therefore very crucial for face swap API users to understand the potential problems that may arise when you are providing such services to the public for use.

If you are planning to utilize a face swap API, you will also have to create a usage policy that denies or forbids the misuse of the face swap API's ability.

There are a couple of known face swap APIs that provide high-quality services and results.

Deepswap API

URL: https://blog.deepswap.ai/deepswap-api-service/

deepswap api website
Deepswap API Website

Deepswap API is considered one of the best services for face swapping, producing results that are extra clear and realistic. Deepswap API supports both videos and images and is backed up by a professional support team, ready to serve you online, anytime.

Deepswap API is also capable of swapping faces with multiple sources, whereas most other face swap APIs can only permit single-face swapping.

The only downside to Deepswap API is that it is paid. Although there is a free trial, the high-quality functionalities are all locked behind the paid subscription tiers.

Replicate Open-Source Face Swap APIs

URL: https://replicate.com/yan-ops/face_swap

yanops face swap replicate api
Replicate's yan-ops Face Swap API

The face swap API provided by the user yan-ops has many users, with up to 105.5 million API runs (at the time of writing). Many web developers opt for this Replicate face swap API as it is both open-source and free to use.

We will show you a tutorial on how you can import and modify the face swap API. Continue reading below!

Apidog: An All-in-One API Development Platform

Interested in utilizing the Replicate face swap API? Try out Apidog -  a design-oriented API platform that allows users to modify, build, test, and document APIs.


Apidog supports dozens of API file types to satisfy the requirements of a modern web developer. As the Replicate face swap API provides many client libraries to choose from, you have the freedom to choose the client language you are most adept in.

apidog api design development platform
Apidog - API design-first development platform 

Obtaining Face Swap API cURL from Replicate

For this import example, we will be using the face swap API's cURL (Client URL). To describe cURLs briefly, they are a powerful command-line tool and library commonly used for transferring data using a variety of network protocols.

Firstly, visit this link. This should show you the webpage below.

copying curl replicate face swap api
Copy the face swap API cURL

The image above shows the webpage zoomed out to 50%. If you did not zoom out, scroll down so you can see the cURL. Once you are in the right section, make sure you click the Copy to Clipboard button, as shown in the picture above.

If you cannot obtain the cURL, you may try the code snippet below.

curl -s -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Token $REPLICATE_API_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d $'{
    "version": "d5900f9ebed33e7ae08a07f17e0d98b4ebc68ab9528a70462afc3899cfe23bab",
    "input": {
      "weight": 0.5,
      "cache_days": 10,
      "det_thresh": 0.1,
      "request_id": "aa6a2aad-90ec-4c00-b90b-89f4d62e6b84",
      "target_image": "https://replicate.delivery/pbxt/JkUYWp60oNwz1SF9AJvJPv7upLqucTyaeCxQ07qZGijlDKxt/face_swap_09.jpg"
  }' \
Replicate face swap API cURL code

Import Face Swap API cURL to Apidog

Next, log in and start a new project in Apidog.

import curl apidog
Select Import cURL

To get the drop-down menu to appear, press the purple + button found around the top portion of the Apidog window. Then, select Import cURL, as pointed out by the arrow in the image above.

If you are a keyboard shortcut enthusiast, the shortcut for importing cURLs would be Crtl + I.

past face swap api replicate curl apidog
Paste the face swap API cURL

Next, paste the Replicate face swap API cURL into the field shown on your screen.

save face swap api request
Make sure to save the face swap API request!

The face swap API cURL import is completed. You should be able to see a change in the API endpoint, as well as a change in the API method to POST. You can also observe the JSON body now resembles an API request.

Make sure to save the face swap API request you have just imported.

Creating Documentation for your Face Swap API

step by step process sharing api documentation apidog
Starting the face swap API documentation 

First, click on the Share button found on the left side of the screen. Then, click on + New to start the documentation generation process.

Include Customizable Documentation Properties
customizable api documentation apidog
Customizing the face swap API documentation

You can decide to enable a few characteristics regarding the face swap API documentation, such as documentation languages, password protection, and even limiting the people who can view your face swap API documentation.  

View or Share Your REST API Documentation
actions available api documentation apidog
Share, edit, or delete - it's up to you!

You can now decide what to do with the face swap API documentation. If you need more information on what to do, check out this link - it will include everything you need to know about API documentation using Apidog.

Testing the Face Swap API Using Apidog

test face swap api for response apidog
Testing the face swap API endpoint for a response

To make sure that the face swap API endpoint is responsive, press the Send button around the top right corner of the Apidog application. Then, you can see the response you receive, as shown around box 2.

Creating Test Scenarios for Face Swap API

You can also create test scenarios in Apidog. Test scenarios simulate a real-life scenario, where there may be processes that must be done before or after certain actions have been taken.

initialize new test scenario apidog
Initializing a new test scenario on Apidog

To demonstrate testing scenarios, we will be using a NumberConversion SOAP API as an example. Firstly, locate the Testing button pointed out by Arrow 1 in the image above. You should then see New Test Scenario, pointed out by Arrow 2.

description new test scenario apidog
Fill description for the new test scenario

You should then be prompted with this pop-up window, asking you to input a few details about your new test scenario. Once you have filled it out, you can hit the OK button on the bottom right corner, or just "Enter" on your keyboard.

add step new test scenario api apidog
Adding step(s) to the test scenario

Add a step (or many more steps) to your test scenarios by clicking on the Add Step section. You should be able to see the image below.

select import from api soap apidog
Select "Import from APIs"

Select "Import from API" from the drop-down menu.

add soap api web service test case scenario apidog
Add all the APIs to include in your test scenario

Select all the APIs you would like to include in your test scenario. In the example above, the API called NumberConversionSOAP has been included.

Note that in the case of the face swap API, you might have a lot more API requests, therefore you may have to handpick each API request you would like included in the testing scenario.

edit testing environment start run test scenario apidog
Set Environment to "Testing Env" and hit "Run" to start testing

Before hitting the Run button to start your test scenario, make sure to change the test scenario environment, which should be Testing Env, as pointed out by Arrow 1.

Give it a try, and you can see whether your face swap API can meet all your requirements!


Face swap APIs are powerful web services that developers may utilize to enhance an application's user experience. By providing such a unique tool, users can have fun with swapping faces.

However, as software developers, we must remain vigilant over the potential safety and privacy risks that face swap APIs may pose. This is due to how realistic the results generated by face swap APIs can be, making it hard to distinguish what is real and what is fake.

Apidog can be a suitable choice for you and web developers who wish to try modifying or implementing face swap APIs to their programs or applications. With the facilitation of necessary services used in the specifications and modifications of every step in the API lifecycle, you can trust Apidod to build your web applications.

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