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Home / Effective Strategies / How to Become Remote Work From Home App Tester: 10 Websites to Try

How to Become Remote Work From Home App Tester: 10 Websites to Try

Discover the path to becoming a remote app tester with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to get started, find top platforms for opportunities, and enhance your testing workflow with tools like Apidog.

In today's digital age, the demand for skilled app testers who can work remotely has skyrocketed. If you're looking for a flexible career that allows you to work from the comfort of your home while contributing to the development of cutting-edge applications, becoming a work from home app tester remote might be the perfect opportunity for you. This comprehensive guide will explore the world of remote app testing, including how to get started, potential earnings, and the best websites to find opportunities.

But first, if you're serious about becoming an effective app tester, you should definitely check out Apidog. It's a fantastic tool that not only helps with API documentation but also offers features for testing and managing APIs. Download Apidog for free and see how it can enhance your testing workflow.


Can I Work Remotely as a Software Tester?

The short answer is yes, you absolutely can work remotely as a software tester. The tech industry has embraced remote work, especially in roles like software testing that don't necessarily require a physical presence in an office. Here's why remote software testing is not only possible but increasingly common:

  • Digital nature of the work: Software testing can be done entirely on computers and mobile devices, making it ideal for remote work.
  • Cloud-based tools: Many testing tools and platforms are cloud-based, allowing testers to access them from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Global talent pool: Companies can tap into a worldwide talent pool of testers, benefiting from diverse perspectives and round-the-clock testing capabilities.
  • Cost-effective: Remote work reduces overhead costs for companies, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.
How Do I Become an Online App Tester?
How Do I Become an Online App Tester?

How Do I Become an Online App Tester?

Becoming an online app tester requires a combination of technical skills, attention to detail, and a passion for improving user experiences. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Develop necessary skills:

  • Familiarize yourself with different operating systems and devices
  • Learn about software development lifecycles and testing methodologies
  • Improve your analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Enhance your communication skills for reporting issues effectively

Gain knowledge of testing tools:

  • Learn popular bug tracking tools like Jira or Bugzilla
  • Familiarize yourself with test management tools such as TestRail or qTest
  • Explore automation testing tools if you want to expand your skill set

Build a portfolio:

  • Start by testing free apps and documenting your findings
  • Contribute to open-source projects to gain experience
  • Create a personal blog or website showcasing your testing skills and projects

Get certified (optional but beneficial):

  • Consider certifications like ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board)
  • Look into specialized mobile testing certifications

Create profiles on testing platforms:

  • Sign up for websites that offer remote testing opportunities (we'll cover these later)
  • Complete your profiles thoroughly, highlighting your skills and devices

Apply for entry-level positions:

  • Look for junior tester or QA trainee positions on job boards
  • Consider internships or apprenticeships to gain experience

Network and stay updated:

  • Join online communities and forums for software testers
  • Attend virtual conferences and webinars to learn from industry experts
How Much Can You Make as an App Tester?
How Much Can You Make as an App Tester?

How Much Can You Make as an App Tester?

The earnings of an app tester can vary widely depending on factors such as experience, skill level, type of testing (manual or automated), and whether you're working full-time for a company or as a freelancer. Here's a breakdown of potential earnings:

  • Entry-level testers: Can expect to earn around $15-$25 per hour or $30,000-$50,000 annually for full-time positions.
  • Experienced testers: With several years of experience, testers can earn $30-$50 per hour or $60,000-$100,000+ annually.
  • Freelance testers: Earnings can be more variable, ranging from $10-$50+ per hour depending on the project and platform.
  • Specialized testers: Those with expertise in areas like security testing or performance testing can command higher rates, often $70,000-$120,000+ annually.

It's important to note that freelance app testers often earn on a per-project or per-bug basis. Some platforms pay:

  • $10-$50 for accepted bug reports
  • $50-$200 for comprehensive test cycles
  • Bonuses for critical bugs or exceptional performance

Keep in mind that building a reputation and consistently delivering high-quality work can lead to more lucrative opportunities over time.

Can You Work From Home as a Product Tester?
Can You Work From Home as a Product Tester?

Can You Work From Home as a Product Tester?

Yes, you can absolutely work from home as a product tester, including as an app tester. The rise of remote work has made it increasingly common for companies to hire remote product testers. Here are some key points about working from home as a product tester:

  • Flexibility: Work on your own schedule, often choosing which projects to take on.
  • Diverse opportunities: Test a wide range of products, from physical items to digital applications.
  • Equipment: For app testing, you'll need a reliable computer and various mobile devices. For physical product testing, companies often send items to your home.
  • Communication: Regular video calls and written reports are common, so strong communication skills are essential.
  • Time management: You'll need to be self-motivated and able to manage your time effectively.

Working from home as a product tester offers a unique blend of flexibility and engagement with cutting-edge products and technologies.

10 Websites to Try for Work From Home App Tester Remote Opportunities
10 Websites to Try for Work From Home App Tester Remote Opportunities

8 Websites to Try for Work From Home App Tester

Now that we've covered the basics of becoming a work from home app tester remote, let's explore 10 websites where you can find opportunities to start your career:

1. TesterWork

TesterWork offers a platform for aspiring work from home app testers remote to join a community of over 70,000 testers worldwide. Here's how it works:

  • Sign up and complete a 3-step QA assessment
  • Receive invitations to test cycles for various apps and websites
  • Get paid for completed test cycles and reported bugs

TesterWork provides a great starting point for those new to app testing, offering a supportive community and a variety of projects to build your skills.

2. Upwork

Upwork is a popular freelance marketplace where you can find various remote app testing jobs:

  • Create a profile highlighting your skills and experience
  • Browse and apply for mobile app testing jobs
  • Set your own rates and work on projects that interest you

Upwork offers the flexibility to choose projects that align with your skills and interests, making it an excellent platform for both beginners and experienced testers.

3. TestIO

TestIO offers a platform for freelance testers to work remotely and earn money while testing the latest apps:

  • Register and complete the onboarding process
  • Receive invitations to test based on your devices and skills
  • Get paid for accepted bugs and reproductions

TestIO provides a structured environment for testers, with opportunities to work on projects from well-known companies and startups alike.

4. UserCrowd

UserCrowd (formerly UsabilityHub) allows you to perform short usability tests on websites and apps:

  • Sign up and complete your profile
  • Participate in quick tests that typically take 1-2 minutes
  • Earn money for each completed test

UserCrowd is ideal for those looking to earn extra income through micro-tasks, offering a low-pressure entry point into the world of usability testing.

5. Indeed

Indeed is a job search engine where you can find various remote app testing positions:

  • Search for "work from home app tester remote" jobs
  • Apply to positions that match your skills and experience
  • Find both full-time and part-time opportunities

Indeed aggregates job listings from multiple sources, providing a comprehensive view of the job market for remote app testers.

6. ZipRecruiter

ZipRecruiter is another job search platform where you can find remote app testing positions:

  • Create a profile and upload your resume
  • Set up job alerts for work from home app tester remote positions
  • Apply to jobs that match your qualifications

ZipRecruiter uses AI-powered matching technology to connect job seekers with relevant opportunities, streamlining your job search process.

7. Testbirds

Testbirds is a crowdtesting platform that connects testers with various projects:

  • Register as a tester and complete your profile
  • Participate in testing projects that match your skills
  • Earn money for each completed test

Testbirds offers a diverse range of testing projects, from usability testing to exploratory testing, allowing you to expand your skill set.

8. BetaTesting

BetaTesting allows you to test apps before they're released to the public:

  • Sign up as a beta tester
  • Provide feedback on unreleased apps and products
  • Earn rewards for your contributions

BetaTesting offers a unique opportunity to influence product development and gain insight into upcoming technologies.

Apidog: Your Essential Tool for API Testing

If you're serious about becoming an effective app tester, integrating Apidog into your workflow is a game-changer. Apidog is a comprehensive tool designed to simplify and enhance your API documentation and testing processes. Here’s how Apidog can elevate your app testing capabilities:

Key Features of Apidog:

API Documentation:

  • Automated Documentation: Easily generate and maintain accurate API documentation with Apidog's automated features.
  • Interactive Interface: Create interactive and user-friendly API documentation that can be shared with your team and stakeholders.

API Testing:

  • Comprehensive Testing Tools: Execute and manage API tests directly within Apidog, ensuring your APIs function as expected.
  • Test Automation: Set up automated test scripts to run periodically, saving time and ensuring consistent API performance.


  • Team Collaboration: Work seamlessly with your team by sharing API documentation and test results in real-time.
  • Feedback Integration: Collect and integrate feedback from your team, improving the quality and reliability of your APIs.

API Management:

  • Version Control: Manage different versions of your APIs efficiently, keeping track of changes and updates.
  • Security: Ensure your APIs are secure with built-in security testing features, identifying potential vulnerabilities.

Why Choose Apidog?

  • Ease of Use: Apidog offers an intuitive interface, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced testers.
  • Efficiency: By streamlining documentation and testing processes, Apidog saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of app development.
  • Reliability: Apidog's robust testing features help ensure your APIs are reliable and perform well under various conditions.

How to Automate API Testing Using Apidog

Create a new project or import one within your workspace to group your API tests based on a specific application or service. It helps keep your tests organized and makes managing and maintaining them more accessible.

API project dashboard at Apidog

Add API Endpoints

To add your API to Apidog, click the "+New Endpoint" and provide the necessary details, including the endpoint, method, and authentication information. For example, To create the "GET all books" endpoint in Apidog, click on the "Add Endpoint" button and fill in the details like this:

Design API endpoints at Apidog

Configure API Details

Apidog's platform simplifies the management of multiple APIs from a single dashboard. The platform also supports a range of authentication methods, including OAuth and API keys, to ensure secure access to your APIs. It allows developers to choose the authentication method best suits their project's requirements.

Configure API endpoint details at Apidog

Design API Test Scenarios

Using Apidog's Visual API Builder, create test scenarios and assertions. The intuitive interface allows you to build complex test scenarios without writing any code.

Design API test scenarios at Apidog

Run API Automated Tests

Apidog allows you to run tests individually or in groups, enabling you to thoroughly assess your APIs' functionality, reliability, and security.

Run API automated test at Apidog

Analyze API Test Results and Optimize

After executing your tests, analyze the results using Apidog's detailed reports and analytics. Identify areas for improvement, optimize your APIs, and ensure they meet the highest performance and reliability standards.

Analyze API test report at Apidog

To experience the benefits of Apidog, download it for free and integrate it into your testing workflow. Whether you're working on a small project or a large-scale application, Apidog is designed to support your needs and help you deliver high-quality APIs.


Becoming a work-from-home app tester offers a flexible and rewarding career path for those with a keen eye for detail and a passion for technology. By exploring these 10 websites and following the tips provided, you'll be well on your way to starting your career in remote app testing. Remember to continuously improve your skills, stay up-to-date with the latest testing techniques, and build a strong portfolio to increase your chances of success in this field. With dedication and perseverance, you can build a successful career as a remote app tester, enjoying the benefits of working from home while contributing to the development of cutting-edge applications.

For more resources and tools to help you succeed as a remote app tester, don't forget to check out Apidog. It’s an invaluable tool for managing and testing APIs, which is an essential skill in today’s app testing landscape.


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