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Home / Viewpoint / [Solved] Postman Error: Connect ECONNREFUSED

[Solved] Postman Error: Connect ECONNREFUSED

Receiving a "Connect ECONNREFUSED" error in Postman signifies that Postman failed to connect to your local server. Make sure that the server is up an running, and that port numbers matches in both Postman and the server's settings!

For developers and testers, Postman is an invaluable tool for making API requests and debugging web services. However, encountering the error message "Connect ECONNREFUSED" within Postman can disrupt workflow efficiency.

For developers who are looking for a new, fresh API development environment, we recommend Apidog - a powerful alternative to Postman.

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Apidog An integrated platform for API design, debugging, development, mock, and testing
REAL API Design-first Development Platform. Design. Debug. Test. Document. Mock. Build APIs Faster & Together.

This error indicates an inability to establish a connection to a local server on port 8080. This article explores the reasons behind this error and provides step-by-step solutions to effectively troubleshoot and resolve the connection issue.

What is Postman?

postman logo

Postman simplifies API development for programmers by offering all the necessary tools in one place. It allows them to design, test, and document APIs efficiently. This combination of features has made Postman a go-to choice for developers working on various API projects.

What is Postman (A Tutorial for Beginners)
What is Postman? This article will provide a comprehensive introduction to Postman, so let’s get started.

Potential Reasons for a "Connect ECONNREFUSED" Error in Postman

Server issues

One of the main sources of the "Connect ECONNREFUSED" error in Postman is that the server is not running, whether it is on your local or remote machine. There are various potential reasons as to why the server has issues:

  • Manual Shutdown: You may have forgotten to start the server before sending a Postman request.
  • Unexpected Crash: The server might have encountered an error and crashed, causing it to be unavailable.
  • Configuration Issues: The server's configuration might be incorrect, preventing it from starting or listening to the expected port.

Communication Breakdown

Mismatched Ports: The port number specified in your Postman request URL may not align with the port the server is listening on. To ensure that this is not the case, make sure to check the server's documentation or configuration to ensure you are using the correct port.

Incorrect IP Addresses: The wrong IP address may be included. Local servers should have "" as the common loopback address, however, a different IP address will be required for remote servers. Double-check the IP configured for the server you are trying to connect to.

Firewall Interference

Firewall Blocking: While less likely for local servers on your own machine, firewalls can sometimes block connections. These security programs might be configured to restrict access to certain ports or applications. If you suspect this might be the case, try temporarily disabling the firewall (with caution) to see if the connection can be established. Remember to re-enable the firewall afterward for security reasons.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

Check Server Logs: Consult the server logs for any error messages that might indicate why it's not running or failing to connect.

Restart Server: Sometimes a simple restart of the server application can resolve temporary glitches.

Verify Postman Configuration: Double-check your Postman request URL to ensure the IP address and port are correct.

Apidog - A Powerful API Development Platform

Apidog is an all-in-one API development tool that equips users with all the necessary functionalities for everything API-related.

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Apidog An integrated platform for API design, debugging, development, mock, and testing
REAL API Design-first Development Platform. Design. Debug. Test. Document. Mock. Build APIs Faster & Together.

Create the Best APIs Using Apidog

Apidog provides users with the tools necessary for creating APIs and setting a REST API endpoint they prefer!

new api apidog

To begin, press the New API button, as shown in the image above.

add details new api apidog

This page allows you to define your API's behavior comprehensively. You can specify:

  • Communication Methods: Define how applications will interact with your API, specifying methods like GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.
  • Endpoints: Specify the exact URL (endpoint) where applications will send requests to your API.
  • Parameters: Detail any required parameters that need to be included in the URL to target specific data within your API.
  • Functionality: Provide a clear explanation of what each endpoint of your API does.

Once you have finished the basic design of your REST API, you can proceed with securing your REST API, or refining your API by familiarizing yourself with REST API URL best practices and examples!

How to Secure Your REST API with Apidog
Learn how to use APIdog, a tool that helps you design, test, and monitor your REST APIs, to secure your REST API with best practices and industry standards.
REST API URL - Best Practices and Examples
REST API URLs have an optimal and standardized structure. Most developers mutually agree to conform to the standard in order to increase predictability and familiarity to REST API URLs, allowing them to work around them more efficiently.

Testing APIs Using Apidog

After crafting your REST API endpoint, it's crucial to put it through proper testing, as it guarantees that the endpoint functions smoothly when users (consumers) interact with your API and leverage its functionalities.

1. Choose Your Target:

  • Begin by pinpointing the specific endpoint within the API that you want to test.

2.  Fine-Tuning with Parameters (Optional):

  • Some endpoints might require additional details in the URL, known as parameters. These parameters act like filters, helping you zoom in on the exact data you need within the vast API, especially for large datasets.

Mock Servers with Apidog

Instead of relying on remote servers, you can mock servers with Apidog, saving a lot of time in unnecessary configuration.

Apidog's Mock Server truly shines with its ability to automatically generate mock data, eliminating the need for manual configuration. This seamless functionality sparks curiosity about how it works.

Apidog's pre-defined mocking rules have a few advantages. When a field name in your API response matches one of these rules, Apidog automatically creates mock data for that field. This eliminates the need for manual server setup – Apidog takes care of everything, launching a mock server on your local machine behind the scenes.

Mock Server for API Testing
Mock API servers are an essential part of generating and testing API collaboration across a research and development team. Apidog can help you at different stages for designing, documenting, mocking, and testing your API.
apidog mock server


Encountering the "Connect ECONNREFUSED" error in Postman can disrupt your development workflow. However, by understanding the common causes – a non-running server, port mismatch, or firewall interference – you can effectively troubleshoot the issue.  This guide provided a step-by-step approach to diagnosing the problem, including verifying server status, checking port and IP address configuration, and temporarily disabling firewalls for testing purposes.

Remember, consulting server logs and restarting the server application can also be helpful. By following these steps and leveraging the additional troubleshooting tips, you should be well-equipped to resolve the "Connect ECONNREFUSED" error and get your API communication in Postman flowing smoothly once again.

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