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Home / Viewpoint / GraphQL vs SQL: What are the differences?

GraphQL vs SQL: What are the differences?

The landscape of data management and retrieval in software development has been significantly shaped by two distinct technologies: GraphQL and SQL. Each serves a unique purpose and is suited for different scenarios in web and application development. Understanding the key differences between GraphQL and SQL is crucial for developers and data architects in choosing the right tool for their specific needs.

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What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a query language developed by Facebook for APIs, as well as a runtime for executing those queries by using a type system defined for your data. It's not a database technology, but rather a way to interact with data through APIs.

How GraphQL Works
How GraphQL Works
type Query {
  user(id: ID!): User

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  email: String

# Query
  user(id: "123") {

Key Features of GraphQL

  • Client-Specific Queries: Allows clients to request exactly what data they need, even with deeply nested structures.
  • Single Endpoint: Uses a single API endpoint and leverages queries to fetch various data shapes.
  • Real-Time Data with Subscriptions: Supports real-time data updates through subscriptions.
  • Decreased Overfetching: Reduces unnecessary data transfer by allowing clients to specify exactly what they need.

What is SQL?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in relational database management systems (RDBMS). It is particularly effective for handling structured data where relationships between different entities are clearly defined.

How SQL Works
How SQL Works
SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE id = 123;

Key Features of SQL

  • Standardized Query Language: A widely accepted standard for querying and manipulating data in relational databases.
  • Tabular Data Representation: Data is organized in tables and relations can be formed using primary and foreign keys.
  • Complex Queries: Supports complex queries with JOIN operations, aggregations, and subqueries.
  • Transactional Control: Provides robust transactional control to ensure data integrity.

Key Differences Between GraphQL and SQL

Purpose and Scope:

  • GraphQL is a query language specifically designed for client-server interactions, primarily used for web APIs.
  • SQL is a language for managing and manipulating data in a relational database.

Data Retrieval:

  • GraphQL allows clients to specify exactly what data they need in a single request.
  • SQL queries are more focused on retrieving data from a database through SELECT queries, joins, and other operations.

Real-time Data:

  • GraphQL can handle real-time data with subscriptions.
  • SQL does not natively support real-time data updates in the same way.

Flexibility in Querying:

  • GraphQL offers high flexibility, allowing for customized queries tailored to the client's requirements.
  • SQL follows a more structured approach, with predefined schemas and rigid query formats.

Handling of Overfetching:

  • GraphQL effectively reduces overfetching by allowing specific queries.
  • SQL might result in overfetching if the query is not well-structured or too broad.

Complexity and Learning Curve:

  • GraphQL might have a steeper learning curve due to its unique approach to data retrieval.
  • SQL is widely taught and used, with a vast amount of resources and a standardized approach.

Comparison Table: GraphQL vs SQL

Aspect GraphQL SQL
Basic Definition A query language for APIs, allowing clients to request specific data. A language for managing and querying data in relational databases.
Data Retrieval Approach Allows clients to request exactly what they need, reducing overfetching. Utilizes predefined queries to retrieve data, which can lead to overfetching.
Real-time Data Support Supports real-time updates with subscriptions. Generally does not support real-time updates natively.
Type of Communication Typically operates over HTTP/HTTPS with a single endpoint. Operates over database connections, using various protocols based on the database system.
Query Flexibility Highly flexible; clients can tailor requests to their exact needs. More structured; relies on predefined schemas and query formats.
Data Structure Works well with hierarchical and nested data structures. Best suited for tabular data in normalized forms.
Use Cases Ideal for complex, evolving APIs and applications with diverse data needs. Suited for applications requiring complex transactions and data integrity in databases.
Complexity Can be complex to set up and optimize for performance. Widely used with a lot of educational resources, but complex queries can be challenging.
Transactional Control Does not handle transactions; focused on data fetching. Provides robust transactional control for data integrity.
Community and Ecosystem Growing rapidly, especially popular in web and mobile application development. Mature, with extensive tools, resources, and a vast community of users.
Typical Use Environment Commonly used in web and mobile applications for flexible data retrieval. Used in systems where data integrity, complex queries, and reporting are crucial.

How to Connect to SQL Server in Apidog

Connecting to an SQL Server in Apidog is a process similar to connecting to an Oracle database but with some specific differences catering to SQL Server. Here's a concise guide to help you set up this connection:

Step 1: Install Apidog

  • Download Apidog: Visit Apidog's official website and download the application. Ensure it's compatible with your operating system (Windows or Linux).
Download Apidog
Download Apidog

Step 2: Create a New Project

  • New Project: In Apidog, go to the 'My Workspace' section, select 'New Project', and choose 'HTTP' as the type. Enter a name for your project.
Create a New Project
Create a New Project

Step 3: Access Database Connections

  • Settings: Click on the settings option in the side menu.
  • Database Connections: Navigate to the 'Database Connections' menu.
Database Connection
Database Connection 

Step 4: Set Up a New Connection

  • Add Connection: Click on '+ New' to create a new database connection. A new window will appear for setup.
Set Up a New Connection
Set Up a New Connection

Step 5: Configure SQL Server Connection

  • Connection Details: Provide a name for your database connection and select 'SQL Server' as the database type.
  • Server Details: Enter the Host, Port, and other relevant details specific to your SQL Server instance.
  • Authentication: Use the appropriate SQL Server username and password. Typically, this might be an admin account like 'sa' or a user-specific account.
  • Test Connection: Click the 'test connection' button to verify if the setup is successful.
Configure SQL Server Connection
Configure SQL Server Connection

Step 6: Define API Endpoints

  • Set Endpoints: Specify URLs for data send/receive operations of your app, marking the operation type (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
  • Configure Processors: Define any pre-processors or post-processors for different database operations.

Step 7: Test and Validate

  • API Testing: Utilize Apidog's tools to test each endpoint. The editor will highlight any errors.
  • Debug and Retest: Investigate any issues, make corrections, and retest until the APIs function as expected.


In conclusion, GraphQL and SQL cater to different aspects of data handling and retrieval. GraphQL stands out in scenarios requiring flexible, client-specific queries and real-time data, making it a popular choice for modern web APIs. SQL, on the other hand, remains the cornerstone for structured data manipulation in relational databases, excelling in complex data querying and transactional integrity. Understanding their distinct characteristics helps in choosing the right technology based on the specific requirements of a project.

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