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Home / Tutorials / Ultimate Guide to Gmail API: Features, Pricing, and Implementations

Ultimate Guide to Gmail API: Features, Pricing, and Implementations

Gmail API allows developers and businesses to harness the power of Gmail and integrate its features into their applications. This step-by-step guide covers all the ins and outs of Gmail API.

Email remains a crucial communication tool for individuals and businesses alike, and Google’s Gmail is one of the most widely used email services worldwide. The Gmail API offers developers and businesses the ability to harness the power of Gmail and integrate its features into their applications. In this guide, we will explore the benefits, pricing, and integrations of the Gmail API, as well as provide a detailed overview of how to use it.

What is Gmail API?

The Gmail API is a RESTful API that allows developers to programmatically access and interact with Gmail mailboxes and functionalities. It provides a flexible and powerful way to integrate Gmail features into applications, automate email management tasks, and build custom email-driven solutions.

Key Features of the Gmail API

  1. Read and Send Emails: The API allows you to read, compose, send, and draft emails.
  2. Manage Labels: You can create, update, and delete labels for categorizing emails.
  3. Modify Emails: Mark emails as read/unread, star/unstar them, and archive them.
  4. Search Emails: Perform advanced searches on email content using Gmail’s powerful search capabilities.
  5. Batch Processing: Execute batch operations to handle multiple tasks efficiently.
  6. Email Threads: Manage email threads to group related messages.
  7. Email Attachments: Handle email attachments by downloading and uploading files.
  8. Settings: Manage various settings related to email forwarding, auto-replies, and filters.

Benefits of Using the Gmail API

1. Automate Email Management

The Gmail API allows you to automate various email management tasks. You can create applications that read, send, and modify emails, manage labels, and even filter messages. This automation can save businesses significant time and effort, allowing employees to focus on more critical tasks.

2. Enhanced Productivity

With the ability to programmatically manage emails, businesses can streamline workflows and improve productivity. For example, you can automatically archive emails, set up auto-responses, and create rules to handle emails from specific senders or with particular keywords.

3. Custom Integrations

The Gmail API enables developers to build custom integrations tailored to their specific needs. Whether you want to integrate Gmail with your CRM system, project management tool, or any other application, the API provides the flexibility to create seamless connections.

4. Access to Advanced Features

By using the Gmail API, you can access advanced features not available through the standard Gmail interface. This includes detailed email analytics, batch processing of messages, and more sophisticated email filtering and searching capabilities.

5. Secure and Reliable

Google's robust security infrastructure backs the Gmail API. OAuth 2.0 authentication ensures that your data remains secure, and Google’s infrastructure guarantees high availability and reliability.

Common Gmail API Use Cases

  • Email Automation: Automatically respond to customer inquiries, sort and label emails, and set up custom filters.
  • CRM Integration: Log emails into CRM systems to track customer interactions and improve sales processes.
  • Marketing Automation: Manage email campaigns, track engagement, and automate follow-ups.
  • Custom Email Clients: Develop custom email clients with specialized features and interfaces.

Gmail API Pricing

One of the attractive aspects of the Gmail API is that it is available at no additional cost beyond the standard Google Workspace pricing. Here’s a breakdown of the primary Google Workspace plans that include access to the Gmail API:

1. Business Starter ($6/user/month)

  • Custom and secure business email
  • 30 GB cloud storage per user
  • Standard support
  • Basic Gmail API usage

2. Business Standard ($12/user/month)

  • Everything in Business Starter, plus:
  • 2 TB cloud storage per user
  • Enhanced security and management controls
  • Gmail API with higher usage limits

3. Business Plus ($18/user/month)

  • Everything in Business Standard, plus:
  • 5 TB cloud storage per user
  • Advanced security and compliance tools
  • Gmail API with even higher usage limits

4. Enterprise (Custom Pricing)

  • Unlimited storage (as per user requirements)
  • Advanced security, management, and compliance controls
  • Highest Gmail API usage limits
  • Premium support

Note: While the Gmail API itself does not have separate pricing, excessive use of the API may be subject to usage limits and quotas. Exceeding these quotas might require you to request higher limits or use additional resources, which could incur extra costs.

Gmail API Daily Limit

The Gmail API usage quota refers to the limits imposed by Google to ensure fair and efficient use of the API by all users. These quotas are designed to prevent abuse and ensure that the service remains available and responsive for everyone. Here's an overview of the key quotas associated with the Gmail API:

  • Daily Usage Limit: A quota on the number of API requests you can make per day.
  • Per User Rate Limits: Limits on the number of requests per user to prevent excessive use.

The Gmail API has a daily usage limit for all application requests and per-user rate limits, measured in quota units representing Gmail resource usage, with a per-user rate limit of 250 quota units per user per second, allowing short bursts. Get more detailed information on per-method quota unit usage at Gmail Usage Limits Official doc.

To view your current usage and quotas, you can visit the Google API Console.

How the Gmail API Works

The Gmail API is based on REST principles and uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization. This ensures secure and controlled access to user data. Here’s a brief overview of the process:

  1. Authentication: Use OAuth 2.0 to authenticate users and obtain access tokens.
  2. API Requests: Make HTTP requests to various Gmail API endpoints to perform desired operations (e.g., reading emails, sending emails, managing labels).
  3. Responses: Handle the API responses, which typically include JSON-formatted data representing emails, labels, and other Gmail resources.

Step-by-Step Guide for Implementing Gmail API

Using the Google Mail (Gmail) API involves several steps, including setting up a project in the Google Cloud Console, enabling the Gmail API, creating credentials, and writing the code to interact with the API. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step1: Set Up Your Google Cloud Project

1.1 Create a Project:

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  • Click on the project dropdown and select "New Project".
  • Give your project a name and click "Create".

1.2 Enable the Gmail API:

  • In the Google Cloud Console, go to the API Library.
  • Search for "Gmail API" and click on it.
  • Click the "Enable" button.
Enable Gmail API in the Google Cloud Console

Step 2: Create Gmail API Key/Credentials

2.1 Go to the Credentials Page:

  • Navigate to the "Credentials" page in the Cloud Console.

2.2 Create OAuth 2.0 Client IDs:

  • Click on "Create Credentials" and select "OAuth 2.0 Client ID".
  • Configure the consent screen (you’ll need to provide information about your application).
  • Set the application type to "Web application" (or another appropriate type based on your use case).
  • Configure the OAuth 2.0 client by adding authorized redirect URIs (e.g., http://localhost:3000 if you're testing locally).
  • Click "Create".

2.3 Download Credentials:

  • Once created, you will be able to download a JSON file containing your client ID and client secret. Save this file securely.

Step 3: Test Gmail API and Write API Document

Before coding, it's best to test your Gmail API requests to ensure everything works and to create API documentation for better team collaboration. To speed up API development process, utilize free API development tools like Apidog to easily send requests online without writing any code and create API documentation automatically.


For example, you can get the API response and test results directly by entering an endpoint path in Apidog’s API request panel.

Send Gmail API request with Apidog

You can also test using online Gmail API documentation from Apidog’s API hub, which provides tremendous out-of-box online API documentation. Click “Try it out” to see if the selected Gmail API returns the expected results. If it does, you can generate code in various programming languages for your app development, saving time and improving efficiency. If it does not, check out the test result and then edit it with the built-in API document creator. Debug the code anytime you need before it is finally ready to go.

Test Gmail API from Apidog's online API hub

Step 4: Install the Google Client Library

Install the Google Client Library for Python (or another language of your choice).

For Python, use pip:

pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib

Step 5: Write Code to Interact with Gmail API

Here’s a basic example in Python to list your Gmail labels:

Pro tip: If you use Apidog to create the API documentation, you can generate the ready-to-use Python code and use them directly here.

import os
import pickle
import google.auth.transport.requests
import google_auth_oauthlib.flow
import googleapiclient.discovery

# Path to your credentials.json file
CREDENTIALS_FILE = 'path/to/your/credentials.json'
TOKEN_FILE = 'token.pickle'

def main():
    # Scope for the Gmail API
    SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly']

    # Load credentials from file if they exist
    creds = None
    if os.path.exists(TOKEN_FILE):
        with open(TOKEN_FILE, 'rb') as token:
            creds = pickle.load(token)

    # If there are no (valid) credentials available, prompt the user to log in.
    if not creds or not creds.valid:
        if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token:
            flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(CREDENTIALS_FILE, SCOPES)
            creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0)
        # Save the credentials for the next run
        with open(TOKEN_FILE, 'wb') as token:
            pickle.dump(creds, token)

    # Build the Gmail service
    service = googleapiclient.discovery.build('gmail', 'v1', credentials=creds)

    # Call the Gmail API
    results = service.users().labels().list(userId='me').execute()
    labels = results.get('labels', [])

    if not labels:
        print('No labels found.')
        for label in labels:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Step 6: Run Your Application

6.1 Save the above script in a file, e.g., gmail_api.py.

6.2 Replace 'path/to/your/credentials.json' with the actual path to your credentials.json file.

6.3 Run the script:

python gmail_api.py


Authentication: The first time you run the script, it will open a browser window for you to log in to your Google account and authorize access.

Token Storage: The script stores the authentication token in a file (token.pickle). This token is used for subsequent runs to avoid re-authentication.

Improve API Development Efficiency with Apidog

Apidog is an all-in-one API development platform designed to improve API development efficiency and save development resources. It offers a comprehensive set of features that facilitate seamless collaboration and efficient development between front-end and back-end developers, as well as QA engineers:

  1. API Documentation Creation: Both front-end and back-end developers can draft and review API documentation collaboratively in Apidog, ensuring alignment on API use cases and improving documentation quality.
  2. Mock Data for API Development: Front-end developers can start development immediately using automatically generated mock data based on the API documentation, eliminating the need for manually writing mock rules and backend support.
  3. API Debugging for Back-End Developers: Back-end developers can debug APIs using defined API use cases. Any changes in the API during development are automatically updated in the documentation, ensuring timely and accurate API maintenance.
  4. API Use Case Storage: After debugging, back-end developers can save API response results directly as API use cases, facilitating later API testing processes.
  5. QA Testing: QA engineers can directly test APIs using the saved API use cases, ensuring that the APIs function as intended.
  6. Integration Testing: Once all APIs are developed, QA engineers or back-end developers can use the auto-test function to perform multi-API integration testing, thoroughly verifying the API calling process.
  7. Smooth Joint Debugging: With front-end developers switching from mock data to real data, joint debugging between front-end and back-end developers goes smoothly due to strict adherence to the API specifications by both sides.

Apidog's features enhance collaboration, streamline development, and ensure thorough testing, leading to efficient and reliable API integration. Apidog offers a free plan for you to get started, sign up now to improve your working efficiency.



The Gmail API offers a powerful way to integrate Gmail’s functionality into your applications, enhancing productivity and enabling custom workflows. With no additional cost beyond standard Google Workspace pricing, it is an accessible tool for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging the Gmail API, you can automate email management, integrate with various tools, and build custom solutions tailored to your needs. Utilizing an all-in-one API development tool like Apidog can streamline the process, preparing your project for immediate benefits.

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