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Design Mode / Debug Mode

Apidog provides two modes for API Document. This article will explain the differences between Design Mode and Debug Mode.

Design Mode

Document mode emphasizes the Design First rather than debug mode. R&D teams adopting Design First patterns first focus on defining and planning the structure, functionality, and behavior of the API. The Design First approach emphasizes that the API is designed as a separate component that needs to be adapted across multiple applications and services in the future.

In the "DESIGN" mode you need to define the document and save it, and when the API changes, you need to modify the definition in the document and then debug.

Debug Mode

In the early stages of project development, depending on the speed of delivery, developers will directly develop the code after formulating business requirements, and finally generate API documentation from the code. Such a R&D model is also known as Code First a model.

The debugging-mode in Apidog is specifically oriented to Code First patterns. After the backend has developed the business code, you can quickly test the API in debug mode, and Apidog will automatically generate the API document during the debugging process.

Debug mode is suitable for teams that are accustomed to debugging API parameters first and then generating API documentation. In debug mode, developers only need to edit the API parameters in the API, and after modification, they can directly send a request, save and generate a document.

Rapidly generating API responses during design or debugging phases, aids API debugging with its simulated data.