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Testing with Jenkins

This article introduces you how to intergate Apidog CLI into Jenkins to automate the testing process.

Install Jenkins​

Jenkins is an automated build tool that helps developers automate building process, testing, and deploying applications during the software development process. Here's how to install it on a Linux system:

  1. Add the Jenkins GPG public key:
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
  1. Add the Jenkins source to the list of APT software sources:
sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
  1. Update the APT package list:
sudo apt-get update
  1. Install Jenkins:
sudo apt-get install jenkins
  1. Start the Jenkins service:
sudo systemctl start jenkins

After the installation is complete, type http://localhost:8080 in your web browser to access the Jenkins console. The console provides a web API for you to manage and configure Jenkins services.

For more information about Jenkins, please check the Jenkins website.

Configuring Node JS Environment for Jenkins


Before running Apidog CLI, you need to ensure that the Node.js version number is >= v10, so you need to configure NodeJS dependencies in the Jenkins environment first.

  1. Open the Jenkins plugin management and find the NodeJS plugin, install it and restart it.


  1. Create a new NodeJS in the global tool configuration, configure the version number (requires >= v10) and package name apidog-cli .

Run the Apidog CLI command​

If apidog-cli has been installed on the Jenkins host and you want to run tasks directly in the Node environment, you can refer to the Node configuration in the figure below and fill in the Node path of the host.

Create a new task and set node information in Build Environment.

Visual Configuration Pipeline​

Add the build step Excute shell, copy the ApidogCli command into it, save it and run it.

If the Jenkins host is a Windows system, replace the build step with Windows batch command.

Embedded Code into Pipeline​

Copy the CI code from the CI/CD Tools page in CI.

Paste the code directly into the pipeline in the Jenkins configuration to complete the continuous integration configuration.

Publish Reports with Jenkins

Specify the generated report name ${JOB_NAME}_${BUILD_NUMBER} (Jenkins built-in variable) in the command. Use the HTML Publisher plugin to view the report.

apidog run -r html,cli --out-file ${JOB_NAME}_${BUILD_NUMBER}