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Generate Apidog OpenAPI Access Token

Apidog supports OpenAPI specifications version 2.28 and above. Click here to view Apidog's OpenAPI documentation.

This article will guide you through the process of applying for an OpenAPI access token for Apidog. After generating a usable access token, you can use it to access Apidog's OpenAPI service.

Create an New Token

Hover over your avator on the top right, and click "Account Settings" → "API Access Token", create a new personal token.


This token has exactly the same functionality and data permissions for all teams and projects you have in Apidog.

After filling in the name and selecting the validity period, click "Save and generate token". A token will be generated that is only visible at this moment. You need to copy and save it. This token will no longer be visible after exiting this page, make sure to copy and save it.


Modifying the name or expiration date will not regenerate the token. If you forget/lost your token, you have to Click "New" to reapply for a new token.

Use the Token

Before calling the OpenAPI, the required request parameters that you need to prepare in advance are:

  1. Token(authorization) generated in the "Project Settings".

  2. Project ID of the project you want to operate. You can find it on the "Project Settings" → "Basic Settings" page.

After familiarizing yourself with the basic information, proceed to clone the Apidog OpenAPI project.

Click the "Environment Management" button on the top right corner, and fill in the required parameters then save it.

And you can select the specific OpenAPI service and fill in and request parameter values ​to make your API call.