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In this section, you will learn how to install and runApidog on Linux.

Method 1: Open Apidog with Command

1. Add Executable Permissions

chmod a+x Apidog.AppImage

2. Running


Method 2: Open Apidog with the Graphical API

1. Add Executable Permissions

Right-click "Apidog.AppImage" file-> Select "Properties"-> check execute "allow as program execution file".

2. Running

Double-click the execute "Apidog.AppImage" file to run


  1. When Ubuntu 22.04 install appimage error, prompt “AppImages require FUSE to run”.

    Solution:Run with the Command: sudo. / package name xxx.AppImage --appimage-extract-and-run --no-sandbox

  2. Linux prompt “GPU process isn't usable, Goodbye.”

    Run export APIDOG_DISABLE_GPU='true'. Start it again.