Create Template
POST our template creation api to create a template in a blink of an eye to start
generating eye-catching automotive images.
Mandatory parameter representing the background image to be substituted in your image. This file is required for the operation
An optional parameter (mandatory for multi-backdrops) representing the background image to be substituted in your side-angled image. This file is required for the operation
An optional parameter (mandatory for multi-backdrops) representing the background image to be substituted in your front/rear-angled image. This file is required for the operation
An optional parameter allowing the replacement of the existing number plate in your image. If you wish to update the number plate, provide the corresponding image file; otherwise, this parameter can be left blank.
Optional parameter for incorporating your brand logo into the image. If you desire to include your logo, kindly provide the corresponding image/file; otherwise, this parameter can be left blank
Boolean parameter indicating whether to include a number plate in the image. If set to true, provide the corresponding image/file for the number plate; otherwise, leave this parameter blank..
Brand alignment(TL: Top Left, TR: Top Right)
This parameter specifies the name of the template you intend to use. It serves as a unique identifier for the created template.
This parameter is mandatory when a transparent number plate (PNG file) is provided; otherwise, it is optional.
Request samples
"status": true,
"message": "string",
"data": {
"templateID": 0