🚨 Important Update: Zid Themes
As part of our efforts to improve browsing speed and performance, customer-related information will no longer be rendered directly from the server. This document outlines new alternative methods to retrieve customer data.
Key Changes
- The
object will no longer be available. - The global object
will also no longer be available.
The following examples will not work:
{{ customer.name }} // no longer works
{{ customer.email }} // no longer works
{{ customer.wishlist }} // no longer works
{{ session.customerToken }} // no longer works
{% if customer %} // no longer works
<div>HTML content</div>
{% endif %}
window.customer // no longer works
Affected Files
1. Twig Files:
This change impacts all theme Twig files, including their associated include files, except for account-related files. The excluded files are:
- account-profile.twig
- account-addresses.twig
- account-orders.twig
- account-wishlist.twig
2. JavaScript Files:
All JavaScript files that directly access the window.customer
Alternative Methods to Retrieve Customer Information
1. Using Zid Tags:
For customer details such as name, email, and mobile number, use the new <zid-store-customer>
Replace {{ customer.name }}
with <zid-store-customer get="name"></zid-store-customer>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-dark account-btn">
<span class="icon-account_circle_black_24dp"></span>
{{ locals.hello }}
<!-- old: {{ customer.name }} -->
<zid-store-customer get="name"></zid-store-customer>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-dark account-btn">
<span class="icon-envelop_black_24dp"></span>
{{ locals.hello }}
<!-- old: {{ customer.email }} -->
<zid-store-customer get="email"></zid-store-customer>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-dark account-btn">
<span class="icon-phone_black_24dp"></span>
{{ locals.hello }}
<!-- old: {{ customer.mobile }} -->
<zid-store-customer get="mobile"></zid-store-customer>
The <zid-store-customer>
tag dynamically retrieves and replaces customer details.
To conditionally display content based on whether the customer is logged in, replace {% if customer %}
with zid-visible-customer="true"
or zid-visible-guest="true"
Example 1:
<button zid-visible-customer="true"
class="btn btn-dark account-btn">
<span class="icon-account_circle_black_24dp header-theme-icon-primary"></span>
{{ locals.hello }}
<zid-store-customer get="name"></zid-store-customer>
<button zid-visible-guest="true"
class="btn btn-dark account-btn">
<span class="icon-account_circle_black_24dp header-theme-icon-primary"></span>
{{ locals.login }}
Example 2:
<!- Redirect to checkout steps when logged in -->
<a zid-visible-customer="true" href="/checkout/choose-address-and-shipping" class="btn btn-primary btn-checkout">
<span>{{ locals.cart_continue_to_purchase }}</span>
<!- Or Redirect to login page -->
<a zid-visible-guest="true" href="/auth/login?redirect_to=/checkout/choose-address-and-shipping" class="btn btn-primary btn-checkout">
<span>{{ locals.cart_continue_to_purchase }}</span>
When the customer is a guest, elements with zid-visible-customer="true"
will be hidden
To show or hide elements based on whether a product is in the customer’s wishlist, use zid-visible-wishlist="{{ product.id }}"
or zid-hidden-wishlist="{{ product.id }}"
<span class="add-to-wishlist" data-wishlist-id="{{ product.id }}">
<span zid-visible-customer="true">
<a zid-visible-wishlist="{{ product.id }}"
class="icon-heart-mask filled"
onclick="addToWishlist(this, '{{ product.id }}')"></a>
<a zid-hidden-wishlist="{{ product.id }}"
onclick="addToWishlist(this, '{{ product.id }}')"></a>
<a zid-visible-guest="true" class="icon-heart-mask" href="/auth/login?redirect_to={{ requestUri() }}"></a>
<img class="loader d-none" src="{{ asset_url }}spinner.gif" width="20" height="20"/>
2. Using JavaScript Event Listener:
You can listen for the zid-customer-fetched
event to retrieve customer data. If the user is a guest, the customer
object will be null
document.addEventListener('zid-customer-fetched', function(event) {
var customer = event.detail.customer; // null if the user is a guest
if (customer) {