add a driver
/driverAdd a new driver to a company.
ID of company
Driver first name
Driver last name
Email address of the driver
Driver ID card
ID of group driver will be assigned to
Request samples
Request metadata object
HTTP status code returned by server
Contains response data
Assigned card ID
Timestamp of latest card scan with ID
ID of company
Timestamp of driver user creation
Device ID of last device scanned into
Email address of the driver
First name of driver
ID of assigned group in company
Name of assigned group in company
ID of driver record
Last name of driver
Full name of driver
Unused, will be depreciated in a future version
Unused, will always return empty. Will be depreciated in a future version.
User database status
Type of driver ID method used by company
"OK" if request successful, otherwise "Failed"
"meta": {
"code": 200
"response": {
"card_id": "a2b3c4d5",
"card_scan_ts": null,
"company_id": 2,
"creation_ts": "2024-08-09 18:17:37",
"device_id": null,
"email": "",
"first_name": "Makayla",
"group_id": null,
"group_name": null,
"id": 2842,
"last_name": "Goldner",
"name": "Makayla Goldner",
"parent_driver_id": null,
"photos": [],
"status": "used",
"type": "manual"
"result": "OK"