/setting/channel_group/getThis returns the list of channel groups available in the Equotix One account.
The domain you are assigned to authenticate your Equotix One account.
The email address assigned to the user account in your Equotix One.
The unix timestamp used to sign this API request.
The calculated signature for this API request.
The channel group ID to search for specifically.
Filter the list of channel groups by name.
Filter the list of channel groups by the channel ID.
Filter the list of channel groups modified after the spcified date.
Filter the list of channel groups to include deleted records.
Page number of the results.
The key for the ordering of the results. Accepts "name", "date_modified"
The direction for the ordering of the results. Accepts "ASC", "DESC"
The number of results per page. Accepts 1 to 100.
"domain": "string",
"api_key": "string",
"auth_timestamp": 0,
"auth_signature": "string",
"channel_group_id": 0,
"filter_name": "string",
"filter_channel_id": 0,
"filter_date_modified": "string",
"filter_deleted": true,
"page": 0,
"sort": "string",
"order": "string",
"limit": 0
Returns only if there is an error.
The total number of results available.
The list of channel groups.
The channel group ID.
The channel group name.
The channels in the group.
The date time this channel group was last modified.
Indicates if the channel group has been deleted. Only returned if filter_deleted is "1".
"error": [
"total": 0,
"channel_groups": [
"channel_group_id": 0,
"name": "string",
"channels": [
"date_modified": "string",
"deleted": true