/handoverThis API is used to assign deviceID and ESN to the customer account.
If the "payment_method": "CREDIT_CARD" in this API request then pass the customers' card details. If the "payment_method": "CASH" card details are not required.
"card_number": "4242424242424242",
"expiration_month": "12",
"expiration_year": "2026",
"cvv": "456",
"card_type" :"Visa",
"name_on_card" : "John Doe"
Use authenticate API to obtain the token. Ensure that this token is included in the header of every subsequent API request. This token acts as a secure credential, granting authorization to the requester for making successful API calls.
This is a fixed parameter. Pass "handover_activation" to identify the action to perform.
This is the enrollment ID you receive in response to the check_service_availability API.
This is the ESN number of the new sim to be added on the customer account.
This is the IMEI of the tablet/phone that needs to be assigned to the customer.
This is the billing state of the customer. It is required when the payment_method is CREDIT_CARD
This is the billing city of the customer. It is required when the payment_method is CREDIT_CARD
This is the billing zipcode of the customer. It is required when the payment_method is CREDIT_CARD
This is the street name of the billing address. It is required when the payment_method is CREDIT_CARD
This is the apartment or house number of the billing address.
The name of the carrier.
Specify the payment method chosen by the customer to pay for the device or SIM.
Payment Methods
CREDIT_CARD: Used when you are collecting customer's card detail to process a payment.
CASH: Used when you are collecting payment in Cash and want to create a payment record in Telgoo5.
SKIP_PAYMENT: Use this if you want to skip payment.
The zip code where the customer will use the service.
Specify if providing a free phone by passing Y. If not providing a phone for free then pass *N.
If the customer already have a device and you are providing another device, specify the IMEI number of the first device/child in this field.
This is the user login ID which will be created in Telgoo5 for the API user.
:::highlight blue
In this tutorial you can learn about user setup in Telgoo5.
:::This determines the source of the API call.
Specify the request name. It is a fixed parameter "handover" for this API.
This is the 16 or 15 digit card number depending on the card_type
For AMEX this is 15 digits, for rest card_types this is 16
This is the cvv number depending on the card_type
For AMEX this is 4 digits, for rest card_types this is 3
This is the expiration month of the card. This should be in two digits.
This is the expiration year of the card and must be in 4 digits.
This is the name on the card
Only characters and numbers are allowed. When you send the external transaction id it will be returned with the same value in response as well.
"enrollment_id": "ETEL4689328",
"esn": "89012403471922XX203",
"device_id": "3577387605XX639",
"card_number": "",
"cvv": "",
"expiration_month": "",
"expiration_year": "",
"name_on_card": "",
"billing_state": "OK",
"billing_city": "YUKON",
"billing_zip": "73099",
"billing_address1": "12513 SW 11TH ST",
"billing_address2": "",
"handover_type": "",
"carrier": "TMB",
"payment_method": "CASH",
"service_zip": "73099",
"device_benefit_already_reimbursed": "Y",
"is_free_phone_order": "Y",
"child_device_id": "",
"action": "handover_activation",
"agent_id": "your_agentID",
"source": "API",
"external_transaction_id": "123456APCTG5"
Request samples
"data": {
"customer_firstname": "DSFDS",
"customer_id": "3796147",
"customer_lastname": "FDSFDS",
"customer_state": "NJ",
"enrollment_id": "ETEL561457",
"mdn": "740850XX55",
"mdn_status": "",
"plan_id": "1346",
"plan_price": "550"
"msg": "Success",
"msg_code": "RESTAPI000",
"success": "successfully proceed",
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7InVzZXJuYW1lIjoiRGVtby1TYWZldHlVc2VyIiwicGFzc3dvcmQiOiJEZW1vLXd0Szl2QnduWTZ6NyIsInBpbiI6IkRlbW8tNjg3NjU0NjQ2IiwidmVuZG9yX2lkIjoiRGVtby1TYWZldHlOZXQiLCJsb2dfaWQiOjYyNzc5NjAsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZGVtby1zbmV0Z2VuLnRlbGdvbzUuY29tL3ZjYXJlT3NzQXBpLyJ9LCJleHAiOjE3MTg3MjgyOTl9.iAOqjFadDmKvl6h88aOleviEbR3iyhBw7Mq5C2vFvgI"