Status codes
Responses from the API use HTTP response codes are used to indicate general classes of success and error.
Success codes
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Notion successfully processed the request. |
Error codes
Error responses contain more detail about the error in the response body, in the "code"
and "message"
HTTP status code | "code" |
"message" |
400 | "invalid_json" |
The request body could not be decoded as JSON. |
400 | "invalid_request_url" |
The request URL is not valid. |
400 | "invalid_request" |
This request is not supported. |
400 | "validation_error" |
The request body does not match the schema for the expected parameters. Check the "message" property for more details. |
400 | "missing_version" |
The request is missing the required Notion-Version header. See Versioning. |
401 | "unauthorized" |
The bearer token is not valid. |
403 | "restricted_resource" |
Given the bearer token used, the client doesn't have permission to perform this operation. |
404 | "object_not_found" |
Given the bearer token used, the resource does not exist. This error can also indicate that the resource has not been shared with owner of the bearer token. |
409 | "conflict_error" |
The transaction could not be completed, potentially due to a data collision. Make sure the parameters are up to date and try again. |
429 | "rate_limited" |
This request exceeds the number of requests allowed. Slow down and try again. More details on rate limits. |
500 | "internal_server_error" |
An unexpected error occurred. Reach out to Notion support. |
503 | "service_unavailable" |
Notion is unavailable. Try again later. This can occur when the time to respond to a request takes longer than 60 seconds, the maximum request timeout. |
503 | "database_connection_unavailable" |
Notion's database is unavailable or in an unqueryable state. Try again later. |
504 | "gateway_timeout" |
Notion timed out while attempting to complete this request. Please try again later. |
Modified at a year ago